JEWS WANT SILENCE: White Women are speaking out more and more trying to save: Love, Marriage and Families


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Cartoon: From a Boer: White Liberal and the Black Jewish President Ramaphosa in LOVE
This guy does good cartoons. In this one he mocks the Jewish political party the DA and it teaming up with the ANC after the recent elections. Jan

[Another guy was telling me about a woman he follows who talks about marriage, etc. This is what I wrote to him. Jan]

I wrote:
I’ve never heard of this lady. Please send me a link to her work. I’m very pleased to see more and more White women coming out and talking and they are constructive and they’re trying to fix love and marriage between men and women. It’s an AWESOME SIGN. TALKING is the secret to HEALING. That’s why these worthless sack of shit Jews are constantly trying to silence our entire race because they know that once we start talking – we will get to the bottom of truth and reality quickly. Once we SPEAK to each other, all will be well. It won’t take long.

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White Shop: Adolf Hitler Painting: Courtyard in central Munich
The Fuhrer was a talented artist and this is one of his most famous watercolors. It is a picture of a Courtyard in central Munich just round the corner from the Hofbrau House.

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