Jews Prove They Control Media By Demanding Censorship Of Book And Film They Don’t Like


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2004: White separatism on the increase in S.Africa My Comments
Back in 2004 I posted this article about Orania with my comments. You‘ll see back then I was advocating secession and a White‘s only state.

(Times of Israel) More than 200 hundred entertainment leaders and stars — many of whom are Jewish — have put enormous pressure on Amazon and Barnes & Noble to stop selling a film whose content portrays Jews in a way that threatens their grip of control over many aspects of society:

“Hebrews to Negroes,” a book and film, has recently seen a surge of purchases after it was promoted on social media by NBA star Kyrie Irving, boosting it to bestseller lists on Amazon and drawing pressure from Jewish groups to remove the titles.

In an open letter to Jeff Bezos, James Daunt, and other leaders at Amazon and Barnes & Noble, the signatories noted that despite “private messages and public calls to take the fallacious book and movie” off their sites, “you have so far refused to act.”

“Your companies are profiting from hate,” accused the letter published by the nonprofit entertainment industry organization Creative Community For Peace.

It warned that the titles were “causing tremendous harm to the Jewish community while spreading dangerous misinformation to an impressionable public that may be susceptible to its propaganda.”

“These works promote numerous antisemitic tropes and conspiracy theories that have no basis in fact, including manufactured Hitler quotes, false claims of Jewish power and control, that the Jewish people fabricated the Holocaust, and that the Jewish people are fake Jews,” it said.

“The claims made in these works have led to the persecution and murder of millions of Jews throughout the centuries.”

Noting that in the US “there are more per capita hate crimes against Jews than any other minority, overwhelmingly more religious-based hate crimes against the Jewish people than any other religion,” it declared it was “unacceptable to allow this type of hate to foment on your platforms.”

As of Thursday, the titles no longer appeared to be available on the Barnes & Noble website.

In a statement, Creative Community For Peace said those who signed the letter “are among the first in the entertainment industry to publicly and collectively call for the removal of the film, hoping to eliminate future radicalization and indoctrination.”

…Ari Ingel, director of Creative Community for Peace, said in the statement that the companies can “either continue to profit off of hatred and antisemitism, while turning a blind eye to the fears of the Jewish community, or they can choose to be an ally, and stand on the right side of history.”

“Corporations don’t need to help facilitate the spread of dangerous conspiracy theories that threaten the Jewish community,” he said. “We implore them to take the prudent, responsible steps needed to remove this content.”

Pressure has been mounting on Amazon to stop selling “Hebrews to Negroes,” which focuses on the idea that the true descendants of the ancient Israelites are modern-day African Americans and that today’s Jews fraudulently claim that ancestry. It also contains a series of other antisemitic claims, including Holocaust denial and the false allegation that Jews controlled the American slave trade.

On Monday, the American Jewish Committee asked Amazon to address the issue by removing the book and film.

Last week the Anti-Defamation League sent a letter to Amazon on behalf of itself and Irving’s team, the Brooklyn Nets, calling on the company to either remove the “virulently antisemitic book and related video” or to label them with a note about their offensive content.

A little over a week ago, Irving posted a link to the Amazon page for “Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America,” a documentary based on the book by the same name.

The film has since become a bestseller, topping all documentaries on Amazon Video. On IMDb, the Amazon-owned popular movie database, the film now has 370 reviews. A snapshot of the title’s page from February shows it had only eight reviews at the time….

Amazon’s guidelines for filmmakers distributing films on the company’s platform say that “all titles undergo manual and automated reviews,” which are meant to catch copyright violations or sexually explicit content as well as “derogatory comments, hate speech, or threats specifically targeting any group or individuals.”

The company’s policy for booksellers says Amazon can remove “offensive” content. It also says that it will allow a broad range of views to be aired. “As a bookseller, we believe that providing access to the written word is important, including content that may be considered objectionable,” the policy says…

Jews are masters at “radicalization and indoctrination” — but they don’t like a level playing field or have any of their radical and nation-wrecking ideas challenged.

They were all for free speech until the moment that they established a stranglehold on the media and publishing — and the entire country in general — and from then on, any view that challenged their power was deemed “hate speech” or “incitement” to violence.

A major study conducted by the Federal government found that online “hate speech” did not translate to real world violence — but the Jews used their power and influence to have this study suppressed because it contradicts the false narrative they use to justify censorship of anything that threatens their power.

In fact, Jews have been pushing legislation that would forbid anyone convicted of even minor “hate crimes” from owning a firearm — that is why they want to criminalize “hate speech.”

Once they’ve disarmed the American public, they can impose any draconian censorship they want — and free speech will become a relic of the past.

That’s why the Jews set up a nationwide “command center” to monitor antisemitism levels among the goyim — to tabulate data they hope will be used to justify laws making “hate speech” against them not only illegal — but a capital punishment — just like it was after their Bolshevik “revolution” in Russia.

And just how exactly did these Jews determine that this book and movie instilled widespread “fear” in the Jewish community? Did they take a poll?

No, because most Jews have probably never heard of this book or film — and the ones that do know about it only know about it because of all the Jewish whining about it in the media.

And if most Jews did hear about this film, their overall reaction would be “Meh, so what? Who cares what the schvartzes think?”

Do Jews really care that Blacks fantasize about being the “real” ancient Hebrews, despite the overwhelming evidence from the Bible that the Israelites were white?

Jews know how to handle blacks — or at least they think they do — but what they fear is that Whites will finally wake up and throw off their mental chains — and then it will be game over for them.


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