Jews & Neocons Squander Trillions On War While The Middle-Class Evaporates
S.Africa: 4 Pics: 7 Police Officers arrested for: Murder, Torture Assault & House breaking
This is a story that was doing the rounds. There are 4 photos of the cops, and what they were charged with.
Thugs are not in the business of taking your money and then treating you to dinner.
If the state is addicted to stealing your money, at least it could spend it on the people.
But that would be like asking for a unicorn at Christmas.
State spawned sociopaths are no different than common criminals who stick a gun in your face and demand your wallet.
Thugs are not in the business of taking your money and then treating you to dinner.
Defense One reports the Iraq “war”—an illegal and immoral invasion and murder of a people weakened by a decade of severe economic terrorism politely known as sanctions—cost you and me around $2 trillion.
Even if the U.S. administration decided to leave—or was evicted from—Iraq immediately, the bill of war to the U.S. to date would be an estimated $1,922 billion in current dollars. This figure includes not only funding appropriated to the Pentagon explicitly for the war, but spending on Iraq by the State Department, the care of Iraq War veterans and interest on debt incurred to fund 16 years of U.S. military involvement in the country.
Note the final sentence—“debt incurred.” Banksters love war, mass murder, incalculable suffering and misery precisely for this reason—the inhumane practice of usury, compounded, no matter the consequences.
It’s interesting how the neoliberal regime change agenda is characterized by the propaganda media.
Defense One is produced by Atlantic Media and is owned by the “centrist” David Bradley (he donated handsomely to the Obama and Clinton campaigns).
Add to this approximately $59 billion spent by the State Department and USAID on Iraq and Syria for democracy promotion, reconstruction, training, and removing unexploded bombs.
I had a good laugh at this one—“democracy promotion” by the State Department and USAID.
Propaganda doesn’t get much more transparent than this.
Zimbabwe: I prefer sex with animals... is better than sex with women
This Black guy has had sex with 260 women, but he‘s also had sex with different types of animals. He‘s concluded that sex with animals is better...