JEWS LOVED COCAINE: Major Cocaine Dealer Claims Jewish Fraternities Were His Best Customers – ‘They Had Vacu ums For Noses’


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[Just more proof that Jews have too much money and life is too easy for them and that they're worthless sacks of crap. Whites need to stay away from this shit. Focus on being your normal White self and you won't be so mentally f*cked up that you need this shit. Let the Jews overdose on this garbage. Jan]

January 17, 2023 By CFT Team — 17 Comments

(YouTube) A former cocaine dealer named Johnny Mitchell has a YouTube channel called “The Connect” — where he has posted a series of videos explaining his former life as a major cocaine dealer.

In the following video, Mitchell claims that Jewish fraternities were among the biggest consumers of cocaine.

Mitchell states,

“College campuses, like I said, major college campuses — especially party schools — Florida, Texas, Arizona State — all these places where thirty, forty, fifty thousands kids living off their parent’s money or the government’s money — kind of like the projects, but with rich people.

When I was at U of O, I used to sell coke to teachers. I sold coke to different fraternities. The Jewish Frat — oh, my God — around testing time around midterms — those dudes had vacuum noses. They were studying to become lawyers — and I should have actually got their number because I needed a lawyer later on.”

[CFT Note: We’ve saved and embedded this video in anticipation that YouTube will eventually censor it for its “antisemitic” content — it’s okay to state that “everyone” does cocaine, but it’s “not okay” to single out Jews as being particularly aggressive coke users — or for anything for that matter.]

Before we hear the predictable response, “Not all Jewish fraternities are huge cocaine consumers,” let’s not forget that the most popular movie ever made about party house fraternities was Animal House — written by the Jew, Harold Ramis, based on his experiences at the Jewish fraternity, Zeta Beta Tau at the University in St. Louis.

And it’s not just cocaine use that Jewish fraternities are notorious for — the Jewish fraternity at the University of Indiana was accused by students there of having an “appetite” for money, greed, and sexual assault.

In case you’re thinking, well, that’s only one Jewish fraternity — American Jewish fraternity members attending St. Andrew’s University in Scotland were accused of raping and sexually assaulting over 50 women — before they were quietly whisked back to America to avoid criminal charges.

And then we’ll hear that these Jews aren’t “real” Jews who don’t practice Judaism — but the Orthodox Jewish “comedian” Alex Edelman said,

“I’m an Orthodox Jew. I’ve never had bacon — I’m that kind of Jew. I’ve never tried bacon — I’ve tried cocaine — but I’ve never tried bacon.”

And in case you think this is unusual for an Orthodox Jew, according to Jewish psychologist Dr. Arnold Washton, both practicing and non-practicing Jews are especially susceptible to cocaine addiction — as reported in the Times Of Israel:

“In Dr. Washton’s substance abuse recovery practice in New York and New Jersey, he sees just how deeply alcohol and drug dependency has become among middle and upper-class Jews. Practicing Jews are not immune. Dr. Washton reports treating a substantial number of highly religious, Orthodox Jews and even members of the Hassidic community who had become severe intravenous drug abusers and debilitated addicts.”


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