Jews, Jews … everywhere… Dirty Jobs … Is Mike Row Jewish??? WTF?
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Die Beginsels van Die Boere Staat Party - Program van beginsels
Hier kan jy hul beginsels lees. Daar is ook a kort video van hul leier Coen Vermaak waar hy praat oor hul beginsels
I really liked the TV series Dirty Jobs. It was one of the very last US Tv series that I actually watched and absolutely loved. I liked seeing all the difficult and downright dangerous jobs that, very often, Whites, carried out. It was amazing and I enjoyed it.
I can’t find firm proof that Mike Rowe is Jewish. And he would not strike me as your normal Jew. But this link claims that he is Jewish:
I can’t find more, and I am not fully sure how reliable this is. But it is something I am keen to know.
His parents don’t strike me as being Jewish.
Anyway … so this question is open … if anyone has firmer answers on this.
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The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today by Elizabeth Dilling
This American Christian woman exposed the Jews massively in this book in 1963. Later versions of the book had chunks removed regarding the evil Jewish Talmud. She detested communism and was pro-Axis during WW2. She was a heroine.
The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today by Elizabeth Dilling
This American Christian woman exposed the Jews massively in this book in 1963. Later versions of the book had chunks removed regarding the evil Jewish Talmud. She detested communism and was pro-Axis during WW2. She was a heroine.