Jews/Israel did 911: Tale of the Pentagon’s Disabled Security Cameras
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[At this source link below, you'll find photos and videos that relate to this story. Jan]
Editor’s Note: In the lead up to the 20th anniversary of 9/11, Winter Watch continues a three-day running series that focuses primarily on the elements of deception and obfuscation around the events.
Part I: “A Look at the Nonsensical Claim That Hijackers with Box Cutters Commandeered 4 Planes on 9/11”
Part II: “NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s Pants Were on Fire During 9/11: A Case Study in Lie Spotting”
One of the most revealing tells of a false flag and/or staged deception — beyond grainy and blurry imagery — is a blatant dearth of security camera footage. It’s gotten to the point that the Crime Syndicate doesn’t even bother to offer to explain this anymore, as it doesn’t seem to even occur to a neuro-linguistic programmed population to inquire about this MO.
Reminder: French Authorities Ordered Destruction of CCTV Images of Nice Terror Attack (UPDATE)
Back in 2001 after the Pentagon was hit, people were still asking about such things. Accordingly, the criminals needed a story line.
The explosion occurs close to the Pentagon’s heliport, an area that normally would be under 24-hour security surveillance, including video monitoring.
In this document from the Office of the Secretary of Defense, we can read through an interview with the staff responsible for the cameras at the Pentagon. The interview is long and distracting verbal diarrhea, but ultimately we get to the who, what, where, when trivium bottom line:
“Many security cameras at the Pentagon that could have captured the building being hit were switched off or had been taken down due to construction work that was taking place and therefore do not film the attack.”
More specifically, this incredible story was offered up:
“There are a lot of cameras within the facility at any one time,” commented Steve Pennington, a private consultant responsible for the Pentagon’s security cameras. However, due to renovation work that is being carried out on the Pentagon, many cameras close to where the attack occurs are currently out of use. Some cameras have been taken down temporarily. “There were cameras on poles at the other end, along the roadway, but they were down for construction projects or being changed out during the process,” Pennington recalled. Other cameras that would normally focus on the area where the crash occurs have been switched off. “Because that area was being renovated, a lot of the connectivity of these cameras and the infrastructure that allowed those cameras to be connected back to the building had been removed or destroyed, so they weren’t capturing images and offering fields of view,”
Furthermore, a number of cameras near the area of impact are either destroyed or lose connectivity when the crash occurs, he adds. “
The lugenpresse at CNN inform us that two cameras did miraculously survive and were operating that day, but the story has since been scrubbed from the Internet.
Two recently installed cameras north of the crash site are apparently the only Pentagon security cameras that capture the building being hit.
Without further ado, here is an analysis of the only images captured from the security cameras on the Pentagon exterior grounds. Note that when you hear Crime Syndicate narrative about this scene, it is usually prefaced with the words, “the plane hit the Pentagon.” This is neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) designed to answer the question for you. Always disregard the narrative and examine using your own senses, asking the fundamental trivium method: who, what, where, when, why and how. The question of what is not even remotely answered by this Pentagon video, nor any Pentagon video.
Further on the trivium question of when, the video shows the date Sept. 12, 2001, not Sept. 11. The time is also wrong: 17:37 instead of 09:37. To cover for this glitch in their matrix, the operatives explain in the interview above that this was when “they made the video.” What possible rationale is used to time stamp evidence with the date it was “made.” This is ludicrous on its face. Once again, the NLP trick is employed as the word “plane” is inserted on lower right on the first photo.
2017: 9/11 Pentagon Video FINALLY Reveals Truth About Attack That Changes EVERYTHING!
April Gallop was in the Pentagon on 9/11 working in her office as “the object” hit. Here is her eyewitness account of what she experienced. The money part starts at minute 2:00. She saw no evidence of a large airliner.
Later, Gallop gives clues about how the Crime Syndicate controls the process. She said that while she was in the hospital, men in suits visited her more than once.
“They never identified themselves or even said which agency they worked for. But I know they were not newsmen because I learned that the Pentagon told news reporters not to cover survivors’ stories or they would not get any more stories out of there. The men who visited all said they couldn’t tell me what to say, they only wanted to make suggestions. But then they told me what to do, which was to take the (Victim Compensation Fund) money and shut up. They also kept insisting that a plane hit the building. They repeated this over and over. But I was there and I never saw a plane or even debris from a plane. I figure the plane story is there to brainwash people.”
One of the refrains that we hear about 9/11, etc., is that people would eventually talk if there was a cover up or conspiracy. The fact is that people do and did talk. One was a Pentagon taxi driver and husband of an FBI employee, Lloyde England. He fessed up on camera that his story of a “plane” striking the light poles, with one landing on his vehicle, was a lie and deception. Be sure to watch the last 90 seconds starting at minute 4:00.
Pentagon Attack Cab Driver Lloyde England’s Virtual Confession
The Boeing 757 That Magically Vaporized in Shanksville on 9/11
The mystery of Boeing 757 Flight 93 at Shanksville on 9/11 reminds me of my socks: They just keep disappearing. There must be a wormhole near my laundry basket that sucks socks into The Great Void. I’ve never been able to solve it.
But not everything disappeared at Shanksville. What was found? Clean and unscathed red bandanna believed to belong to “hijacker.”
And, of course, “hijacker” “Saeed Al Ghamdi’s” Saudi Arabia passport was located.
But as for the “Boeing 757 aircraft” in Shanksville; no signs of it. Of course, for somebody like “Bin Laden,” who could totally obliterate three sturdy tower blocks with two planes, and then manage to wipe out the accounts department in the world’s best-protected military headquarters with another, making a fourth huge aircraft completely vanish into a small hole in the ground should barely have presented a challenge. /sarc
This is an interesting exercise in how the Crime Syndicate controls the scene and the narrative. In this case, news media showed up on the scene, flew overhead and interviewed witnesses. You have to see it to believe it though. These short clips are entirely scrubbed from the Internet. What you are watching here is ultra-rare. We will see how long it lasts online.
What’s amazing about Shanksville is that USGS aerial images show a hole and trench there before the crash. Here is one taken in 1994. Whodathunk?
Here are more witnesses at Shanksville that got out of the bag. Coroner describes Flight 93 crash site as a hole of nothing.
Mayor is on the scene, sees no aircraft, no body parts.
BANNED FROM CNN Flight 93 eyewitness admits not seeing dead bodies
This eyewitness describes something that was anything but a commercial aircraft. Yes, something did hit. A missile.
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