JEWS IN AMERICAN HISTORY: Alexander Hamilton and Nicholas Biddle: Bankster Syndicate Actors and Made Men


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he Rothschild syndicate utilized two primary operatives to establish a defacto central banking system that was under their control in the early years of the United States: Alexander Hamilton and Nicholas Biddle.

James Rothschild (1792-1868)

“More than $8 million of the stock of the Bank is held by foreigners who are more dangerous than the military power of an enemy,” declared Andrew Jackson when he revoked the charter of the Second Bank of the United States.

The First and Second Bank of the United States were James Rothschild (1792-1868) projects. Our focus in this post are events and people surrounding the First Bank.

Primary operative No. 1 was Alexander Hamilton (1757–1804), who was born on the British island of Nevis, in the West Indies. His mother was most likely Jewish and his father, James Hamilton, was a non-Jewish Scotsman descended from the House of Hamilton in Ayrshire, Scotland, according to the Jewish Virtual Library.

In the 1760s, Hamilton attended a Jewish school in Nevis that was housed inside a synagogue in Charleston, the island’s capital.

Alexander Hamilton (1757-1804)

Nevis had a large Jewish community, constituting one-quarter of the white population by the 1720s. As a small boy, he was tutored by a Jewish schoolmistress and had learned to recite the Ten Commandments in the original Hebrew. Hamilton exhibited a degree of respect for Jews that was described by Chernow as “a life-long reverence.” He believed that Jewish achievement was a result of divine providence.

As an American political figure, Hamilton operated in the classic crypto manner, as an Anglican.

Documents in the British Museum prove that Alexander Hamilton received payment from the Rothschilds for his deed in binding the U.S. government and the States to the international bankers.

Hamilton pursued the large-capital plutocratic policies of establishing a national bank, a system of tariffs, friendly trade relations with Britain and a strong central government. He mobilized a nationwide network of friends of the government, especially bankers and businessmen, who formed the Federalist Party.

In 1784, he founded the Bank of New York, one of the oldest still-existing banks in America. He was a boy wonder and made man who, at the age of 20, came out of nowhere to serve a four-year term (1777-1781) as Washington’s chief staff aide.

Also par for the course were compelling indications that Hamilton was part of a homosexual in-group “mafia.” His letters to the Marquis de Lafayette and in particular to John Laurens employed sentimental literary conventions and alluded to Greek history and mythology. Jonathan Ned Katz, author of “Gay American History: Lesbians and Gay Men in the U.S.A.,” reveals Hamilton was in homo-social or more likely homosexual relationships.

Nicholas Biddle (1786-1844)

After Hamilton was killed in an 1804 duel with Aaron Burr, the mantle was passed to operative No. 2, Nicholas Biddle (1786-1844). Biddle was another young prodigy who, like Hamilton, came out of nowhere. In 1807, Biddle returned home to Philadelphia from Paris.

“Following the Rothschild Formula, Biddle had been careful to reward compliant politicians with success in the business world. Few of them were unwilling to bite the hand that fed them. Even the great Senator Daniel Webster found himself kneeling at Biddle’s throne,” wrote G. Edward Griffin, author of “The Creature From Jekyll Island.”

In 1822, Monroe appointed Biddle as the third president of the Second Bank of the United States. He is best known for his battle with President Andrew Jackson over the rechartering of the Second Bank, but our focus here is more on the First Bank.

The Strange ‘Lone Wolf’ Assassination of British Prime Minister Spencer Perceval

Biddle failed to prevent the withdrawal of the charter of the First Bank of the United States in 1811. Almost immediately bankster interests in The City of London began lobbying for a war. Initially, British Prime Minister Spencer Perceval was in the way.

Spencer Perceval (1762-1812)

Nathan Mayer Rothschild, who took a big loss, railed, “Teach those impudent Americans a lesson! Bring them back to colonial status!”

Enter one of the first in a long string of strange “lone wolf formula” assassins, one John Bellingham (1769-1812). Bellingham was a ruined, compromised and suicidal businessman cut right out of the Jack Ruby cloth.

Gazette [issue 16605]: John Bellingham, ‘an abandoned and infamous assassin’, ‘with diabolical and unfounded malice’ was arrested and imprisoned in 1804 for supposed insurance fraud while working in Russia. Bellingham had protested and attempted to impeach the governor general on his release a year later, and had pleaded with the British authorities for help. After an additional sentence was served, he was released, but without permission to leave Russia. He petitioned the Russian tsar and was permitted to leave in 1809. Bellingham had spent five years in prison, in most likely appalling conditions, and was set on seeking reparation from the British government. He was unsuccessful.

Bellingham shot and killed Perceval on May 11, 1812.

John Bellingham (1769-1812)

After a “hurry up and get rid of him” trial, Bellingham was hung and then made a hero to many a week later. Almost “by the book,” no time was wasted in looking for accomplices. Incredibly, a pay-off subscription was raised for the widow and children of Bellingham, and “their fortune was 10 times greater than they could ever have expected in any other circumstances.” Somebody put the suicidal (or deluded) Bellingham up to it.

Motive: Andro Linklater in his book “Why Spencer Perceval Had to Die” explains that Perceval had moved strongly to strangle the slave trade. Additionally, the British economy was in depression due to trade blockades against Napoleon. Linklater points out that in January 1812 the desperate Bellingham was flat broke. But from February on, his accounts suggest, he was reasonably flush. There were 20-pound payments rolling in from Thomas Wilson & Co.

Linklater believes that Bellingham was being funded and unwittingly maneuvered by two closely associated men : Thomas Wilson (1767-1852), a London merchant and banker, and Elisha Peck (1789-1851), an American tin manufacturer residing in Liverpool. Peck was a co-founder of Phelps Dodge. By 1830, Peck was almost certainly the largest exporter of tin-plate from Britain, shipping about 51,000 boxes in that year. Wilson was a particularly interesting operative, who was pro-slavery and a defender of the Bank of England. An extensive and long list reveals his various lobbying activities in Parliament. He has City of London banksterism written all over him. However, Peck was not a member of any war party with America and, if used by other forces, would have been a slide or decoy.

The motives and point-of-the-spear players cited by Linklater may have played a key role in Perceval’s assassination, but almost immediately afterward the dirty deed the war parties prevailed. War broke out on June 18, 1812, over grievances and British instigations. The War of 1812 was a series of small battles and shit storms, but ultimately the British blockaded the U.S., took Washington, D.C. and torched the White House.

Winter Watch Takeaway: Was the War of 1812 payback for not renewing the First Bank of the United States charter? Sure looks that way.


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