Jews have a tendency towards actual Mental Illness: Jewish story from an American Healthcare worker I know
Video & Audio: How Canadian Jews went after Alfred Schaefer in Germany to jail him
Alfred and I talk about how exactly he ended up going to jail. How does the The System actually work in practice? How exactly does the Jewish system work when they go after Whites?
[This is a story I got from a supporter who is a health care worker in the USA. My comments are below. Jan]
The lady wrote:
It’s too long in detail to write. Writing it down doesn’t do it justice. … snip … I’ll give you a summary. She basically acted like I was about to murder her because I’m not jabbed. She started to convulse, walk backwards away from me as if I was holding a knife behind my back, screaming out for husband, my God, she looked down, couldn’t even look at me anymore, practically threw me out. Those are some details, but if I could reenact it, it would be even more entertaining. … snip … She had the nerve to ask me like a Bolshevik Jew, “you‘re vaccinated, got your booster, right?” Only a Jew could have this much nerve.
My Comments:-
I also had my own observations in the last 2 years here in South Africa that the Jews take this COVID crap really seriously. I merely watched Jews, and noticed some things that showed me, they personally FEAR COVID far more than we do. So what the healthcare worker said above makes total sense. And all that freaky melodrama is just typical of them. We might have fears, but we Whites actually put up with far, far more than Jews ever would. We, as a race, have far less fear than they do. We take real risks and we face real dangers. I was quite amazed from what I’ve seen, how super serious these Jews take this COVID junk, as if you could drop dead tomorrow, or infect them.
But these people are also spoiled brats and full of shit as well. The extreme acting in the above with regard to a very experienced healthcare worker, is just so much melodrama.
Jews are also mentally buggered. My Boer NAZI pal, who died in March 2021, had shown me literature from South Africa, from a medical journal where an Afrikaans medical academic wrote about the Jewish propensity to be "Mentally Ill". Sadly, I don’t have the documents, and I can’t recall the exact figures. But it was specifically stated in a South African medical journal run by proper White Academics, that Jews have a greater propensity for being MENTALLY ILL. I’m talking properly mentally ill, as classified by Doctors and Professors.
I can’t remember the number. I think I wouldn’t be far off if I said that Jews might be almost twice as likely to be mentally ill, than common Whites.
These people are known to have specific illnesses from all their interbreeding. But what I’m referring to is MENTAL HEALTH. These people are more likely to have mental problems.
My Boer NAZI pal, who was a University Lecturer in Scientific Method and who had a Masters Degree in Psychology, pointed out the many things that people engage in, in order to hide away from reality. He spoke about DELUSIONAL people. And when you are delusional you are trying to hide away from and ignore REALITY. He also believed the Jews were much more likely to be schizophrenic. He personally believed this. He said it was due to the many conflicting junk concepts in their heads. On the one hand they believe they are the people of God. He insisted that most of them GENUINELY BELIEVE this nonsense. But he said that their weird thinking would clash with real thinking, real life, and he was quite convinced that Jews would have a tendency for being schizophrenic.
These people are a genuine nuisance and they really do NOT fit into our society, our nations or our civilisation. They are parasites. They come to us. We don’t go looking for them.
It is these self same people, who have many deficiencies, who then want to attack Europeans and Germans. But look at Europeans and especially Germans and you’ll see how successful they are. The things they can overcome. The problems they solve. The dangers they can face cheerfully, etc. Europe is filled to the brim with that attitude. Then you get these whiny crybaby, screechy Jews. They’re always bitching, always complaining. Always lying about someone.
These people are a damned nuisance. They and the Gypsies are the scum of Europe and the Europeans know it, and are right about it. Sadly, our brethren were not able to MAKE A WHITER BRIGHTER EUROPE … but it can happen and I’m sure it will happen.
We need to get our race back on track. All this Jewish junk is killing us all.
3 South African cities now rank among the 20 most violent in the world
This is an international report that was published recently. At this source link you‘ll see some interesting charts and statistics. South Africa was never like this under Apartheid.