Jews Get A Taste Of Their Own Medicine When Gentiles Pretend To Be Jews In Order To Criticize Jews


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(The Jewish Chronicle) Jews now have a long history of posing as “White” for the sole purpose of criticizing and undermining White Christian culture — and now they are hypocritically “alarmed” as “gentiles” are taking a page from their playbook by pretending to be “Jews” in order to level credible criticism of Jews and the Zionist state of Israel:

“A German-Jewish journalist called Fabian Wolff, who wrote for the Jewish newspaper Jüdische Allgemeine, has discovered that he is not Jewish at all.

It took years for Wolff, a vocal supporter of the Israel boycott movement, to realise that his mother’s claims of Jewish ancestry were untrue.

Continental Europe has many Jews who hid their true heritage or had it hidden from them.

Even so, the non-Jewish Jew — a fascinating figure — has meant peril for established Jews in the past.

Ten years ago, a German poet called Irena Wachendorff was exposed by the Munich-based investigative journalist Jennifer Pyka. Wachendorff faked a Jewish identity, and a mother who had survived Auschwitz. (In truth, her father was in the Wehrmacht…)

Wachendorff claimed to be a veteran of the IDF and used her imagined experience to attack Jews, calling some Israelis “the neo-Nazi troop among the Jews”.

Germans impersonating Jews is not common, but it is less rare than you think. The Shoah has many expressions, and this is one. It as if the obsession lives on.

Marie Sophie Hingst was a German writer and historian living in Ireland who wrote a popular blog called Read On, My Dear, Read On.

She was raised a Protestant — her grandfather was a pastor — but she invented a French-Israeli mother who committed suicide and an ancestry of 22 Holocaust victims who did not exist. She wrote to Yad Vashem with details of them, seeking to add their names to the memorial. Why? We can’t know.

After Hingst was exposed by Der Spiegel in the article “The Historian Who Invented 22 Holocaust Victims” in 2019, she committed suicide aged 31. Her mother said that Hingst had “many realities and I had only access to one”….

A fake German Jew tried to break the blockade of Gaza in 2010; a fake German Jew accused “the Zionist regime” of “Holocaust denial” by refusing to acknowledge the Nakba and allow all Palestinian refugees to return to Israel in 2013; a fake German Jew was president of Pinneberg Synagogue in Schleswig-Holstein….

I can imagine a desire for Jewish identity from ethnic Germans that is benevolent, at least in intent: a kind of denial, for they are making new Jews in their minds.

This, of course, is to minimise — to misunderstand — what Judaism is, and what it has lost: those murdered cannot be replaced by actors.

Twenty years ago, I went to Israel to interview the children of Nazis who had converted to Orthodox Judaism.

In some — but not all — cases, it was a function of shame: one woman told me she was disgusted by her own German-ness, and I found this both odd and touching. She felt so much disgust at Nazi crimes that she repudiated an identity she could not bear and sought another. It was a kind of penance.

But fantasists — I do not include converts in that category — are not only a danger to themselves. Some fake Jews do not merely insult Judaism with their perversion of it.

They gaily imperil real Jews, and their hunger to live as us displaces us in turn. It is the most insidious form of antisemitism, because it is erasure: if they are Jews then what are we?

Irena Wachendorff campaigned against Israel while “teaching” about the Shoah. Jennifer Pyka, the journalist who exposed her, wrote: “Six million dead Jews serve her own publicity and at the same time she undertakes a perfidious victim-perpetrator inversion to damage Israel and all Jews.” Such people have helped to create the current crisis: if a Jew hates Jews, who doesn’t?

….We are familiar with the Corbynista Jew-hater who falsely claims Jewish identity to bait Jews, and to silence them. They are anonymous; they live on Twitter.

There is also the Corbynista anti-Zionist with partial — and almost always non-practicing — Jewish identity.

There is nothing wrong with not practising Judaism, but there is a cynicism to those who are raised in a different faith, or none at all, returning to incite hatred against others. If they had lived in the Jewish community, they might hate us less.

If it is sometimes fantasy, and sometimes cynicism, it is above all glib: a manque of Judaism without history, intellect, or morality. That is, nothing Jewish at all.”

This rant reveals a deep-seated fear that Jews have — that “gentiles” will do to them what they’ve been doing to “gentile” nations — “passing” as White while working feverishly to undermine and destroy our societies and values.

In fact this article goes so far as to claim that “gentiles” passing as “fake” Jews is the moral equivalent to “another” Shoah™ — because the damage they can do to Jewish identity and in-group cohesion.

They know exactly how damaging this subversion can be because they are experts at doing it to White Christian nations — “diversity” is their strength, not ours, and they know it.

Jews had no qualms pretending to convert to Christianity only to keep their secret Jewishness in their hearts while subverting the Catholic Church — and even many Protestant churches.

Jews like the radical communist Kim Heller has pretended to speak for her “fellow” White South Africans while at the same time delivering the nation over to the Black communists.

Back in 2019, we published an article entitled “Over 1,000 Shape-Shifting Jews Exposed For Pretending To Be White on Twitter” — and not long after that, the original Twitter files identifying these Jewish play actors was completely scrubbed from the internet.

You can still view these files compiled as a 2-part video here and here — and if anyone knows where to find those original files, let us know.

And now that Jews have successfully turned the racial term “White” into a racial slur, they have turned around and made sure that everyone knows that Jews should no long be considered White.

They have now advocated that Jews should use their ability to “pass as White” in order to conspire with non-Whites to turn our White nations “beige” — fulfilling the agenda of the Kalergi Plan.

Last year, a female Jewish rabbi was fired for letting the cat out of the bag — that she feared too many Germans were converting to Judaism — and that they would eventually “take over” — tone deaf to the fact that Jews had done exactly that to Germany culminating in the Weimar Republic.

And in 2019, a Jewish candidate for judge cried “foul” when her Protestant opponent changed her last name to “Cohen” and beat her in the election — quite ironic considering Jews have been changing their own last names in order to “pass” as White for the last 200 years.

This shape-shifting is a double-edged sword however — they want to continue to be able to “pass as White” but at the same time remain the world’s unrivaled minority victims of White supremacy.

This is no small balancing act — considering this tiny “White passing” Jewish minority has reached the pinnacle of world power and now oppresses the entire White race — and seeks to dominate the entire world.

No doubt — Jews hate White Christian Israel — the true inheritors of God’s promises — and they as the spiritual inheritors of Esau/Edom, have finally fulfilled Issac’s prophecy and “broken the yoke” set upon them — and now the younger brother — Jacob/Israel — will serve the elder — Esau/Edom — represented by Talmudic Jews.

Even the blood-thirsty “atheist” Jewish Bolsheviks were aware that White Europeans were the true descendants of the Israelites — whom they strove to exterminate — while the Jews are imposters — racial mongrels who merely masquerade as Israel.

Jews are fully aware that when “Jews” break rank and begin to criticize their “fellow” Jews — spill the beans to the “goyim” — they become very dangerous to the Jewish collective — which is why they are spurned as “mosers” — and must be ostracized or even eliminated.

This goes a long way to explain Jewish distrust of “gentile” conversions to Judaism — they fear “gentiles” will remain “gentiles” despite their conversion — and ultimately stab Jewry in the back — a treachery that they themselves have perfected to an art form.

Imagine if 6 Million “crypto-Christians” converted to Judaism but remained Christian in their hearts — they could surely subvert and destroy Jewish power from within — the Jews’ greatest nightmare.


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