Jews freaked out over Blacks “attacking” a Jew in New York
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Video & Audio: What Napoleon would teach White South Africans: Part 3 of 3
This is Part 3 of a 3 Part series about fighting between Whites and Blacks in South African cities and what modern Whites could learn from Napoleon.
Video & Audio: What Napoleon would teach White South Africans: Part 3 of 3
This is Part 3 of a 3 Part series about fighting between Whites and Blacks in South African cities and what modern Whites could learn from Napoleon.
The Jewish swines are moaning and bitching about “black predators” attacking a Jew. Its on video. This is PEANUTS compared to what whites have experienced from blacks. e.g. murder, torture. But these Jews are calling this “an attack” when the blacks throw a chair at a Jew.
I don’t want to put a link to the Jewish website. I’ll grab the video and put it up some time.
Jews … bunch of DRAMA QUEENS … while assisting or creating enemies of our race to KILL US!
Race of filth.
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Video: A Lesson for Whites from Napoleon & the Romans regarding other Races
In this video Im going to shock you. But whites must learn to harden themselves, men and women alike. We must harden our minds and stiffen our resolve and well be able to handle our enemies with the greatest of ease!
Video: A Lesson for Whites from Napoleon & the Romans regarding other Races
In this video Im going to shock you. But whites must learn to harden themselves, men and women alike. We must harden our minds and stiffen our resolve and well be able to handle our enemies with the greatest of ease!