Jews don’t want Whites to have FREE SPEECH: FREE SPEECH is WAR these days…
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ONLY IN AFRICA: 400 SEX TAPES: Government official is arrested after more than 400 sex tapes leak
As you can see, not much work gets done in Africa at a high level. I‘ll bet you these aren‘t the only women he slept with either. These were just the important ones.
ONLY IN AFRICA: 400 SEX TAPES: Government official is arrested after more than 400 sex tapes leak
As you can see, not much work gets done in Africa at a high level. I‘ll bet you these aren‘t the only women he slept with either. These were just the important ones.
[This is a note I wrote to someone about Free Speech. You might think you have Free Speech but Jews won't put up with that! Jan]
I wrote:
Also remember FREE SPEECH is now a WAR. It’s a literal WAR. Jews are constantly spying and ADL (and other Jew groups) are constantly trying to shut down Whites and get Whites jailed or destroyed. It is a WAR. So be aware, dirty tricks and harassment is all part of this. Whites will have to FIGHT for EVERYTHING – I mean EVERYTHING. Jews are everywhere.
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V02: Speak Softly & carry a BIG STICK: 2nd Hitler: Dr Hendrik Verwoerd - Apartheid
In this video I show the tough side of Apartheid. In this video I show people how only 3 million Whites in South Africa, making up only 19 of the population, were able to shunt the other 81 of the population around at will.
V02: Speak Softly & carry a BIG STICK: 2nd Hitler: Dr Hendrik Verwoerd - Apartheid
In this video I show the tough side of Apartheid. In this video I show people how only 3 million Whites in South Africa, making up only 19 of the population, were able to shunt the other 81 of the population around at will.