Jews Defeated Hitler but they’ve gone on to DESTROY THE WORLD
STORMFRONT: A VERY DETAILED HISTORY OF THE JEWS - including Quotes from the Talmud
This is an excellent read, with LOTS of QUOTES.
[I wrote this to someone on the social media after watching a bit of an old movie about pirates and you saw the swashbuckling White men who were confident of themselves and willing to fight and then of course in the way all old movies and books were, the brave, bold man finds the beautiful White woman and they fall passionately in love and get married. Jan]
I wrote this:
Now it’s trannys and paedophiles and all kinds of creepy disgusting weird sexual crap that makes you want to puke. The old movies and books were much healthier. Boys were boys, men were adventurous, bold and brave. The women fell in love with them and they loved the women and it was happily ever after, etc. It’s so different from this hideous disgusting garbage we see these days. Jews have totally screwed up the world. The Jews may have defeated Hitler but they certainly went on to DESTROY THE ENTIRE WORLD. Hitler even said that if the Jews won that one day there would be no life on Earth. That might have sounded like a stretch but when I see the human pigsty we are heading towards (quote from Ben Klassen), then I can agree. Jews and their offshoots the Liberals are destroying everything. That’s why there are no families and no children and love has died. Everything is dying. Entire White nations are dying. But it’s all this garbage in the mind. The real poison is the Jewish poison inside people’s brains.
IMPORTANT NOTE: How to download Videos or Audio from my websites
This is a note I wrote to someone who was having a problem downloading my videos. I‘ve been quite shocked that there are people asking me this question. I had tried to make this as easy as possible.