JEWS & CROMWELL: How The Puritans And Oliver Cromwell Tried And Failed To Banish Christmas


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INCREDIBLE: Time Magazine admits & boasts about How the US Presidential Election was STOLEN!!!
This is the incredible story they published shortly after the election which names and gives details of the Jew who actually stole the US Presidential Election of 2020. The Jew Michael Avram Podhorzer is the real scumbag who specialises in stealing elections. He was the only one with the money and trade union backing to pull this off.

[Oliver Cromwell was a tool of the Jews. He was basically paid to overthrow the King of England. This is when the UK was basically colonised by the Jewish filth again. Jan]

(History Collection) Every year at this time, we see headlines about an ongoing “War on Christmas” being waged by the Jews and their minions on “radical Left” — and while there is certainly truth to that contention, the first real “war” against the celebration of Christmas was waged in England by the Puritans and their blood-thirsty stooge, Oliver Cromwell:

“By the early 17th century, Christmas was one of the most important feasts in the English Calendar. It was a joyous occasion, when, for a twelve-day period, men and women marked the birth of Christ with religious observances – and ancient pastimes, Churches held services to celebrate the birth of Christ decked in the same holly and ivy as private homes.

Once the religious rituals were over, people distributed Christmas boxes, to tradespeople, servants and the poor. Then they relaxed into the seasonal revels: playing sports and games, dancing, and eating and drinking seasonal favorites such as mince pies, plum pottage, and Christmas Ale.

Then, in 1642 the English Civil War broke out, and Christmas, as well as the King, found itself under attack from the Puritan parliamentarians. In staunch Parliamentary areas, Christmas day services ceased, and Christmas became like any other day, as shops remained open and business as usual occurred.

In 1651, the Civil Wars were over and the monarchy defeated. However, the war against Christmas continued as the Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell continued Parliament’s offensive on the midwinter festival. Cromwell’s task was no easy one, for the fight to abolish Christmas met with no small resistance….

The Puritans never approved of Christmas. They saw it as a frivolous festival without Biblical precedent. No one knew when Christ was born and nowhere in the Bible did it say to celebrate the Savior’s birth with riotous festivities. Christmas, therefore, was sinful and immoral– and superfluous to the Christian calendar. Consequently, the Puritan campaign against Christmas was almost as old as puritanism itself.

Shortly after the establishment of the English Reformation, in the mid-1500s, the Puritan Pamphleteer Philip Stubbs published “The Anatmie of Abuses” in which he complained that at Christmas “more mischief is…committed than in all the year besides.”

Aside from being frivolous and entirely unnecessary for the salvation of true Christian souls, Christmas from the Puritan point of view was a source of ‘mischief’ for a variety of reasons. At best, it was a festivity with Catholic overtures, preserving as it did the “trappings of popery.”

These ‘trappings’ were a reference in part to the central role of the Holy family in Christmas celebrations and in particular to the Virgin Mary who Catholics viewed as semi-divine but who the Puritans viewed as a complete irrelevance….

…However, with the rise of [Protestantism], Catholics began to cleave to Christmas….because it contained so many elements that their faith held precious, such as the Virgin Mary, candles and other symbols of ‘idolatry.’ Writers recorded that after the Reformation, the surviving Catholic priesthood determinedly kept the old traditions of Christmas as best they could even when they were imprisoned or in hiding. It was almost as if celebrating Christmas had become a gesture of defiance to the increasingly staid reformists.

At worst, however, Christmas to the Puritans was a barely concealed pagan celebration. Its mumming, holly and ivy and blatant feasting nothing more than ‘rags of the beast,” barely hidden in a Christian context. Many puritan scholars noted that the celebrations of Christmas had more in common with the Roman festival of Saturnalia and numerous other pre-Christian midwinter festivals than the birth of Christ.

Joseph Hemmings, a Staffordshire Presbyterian minister, writing in 1648, recognized that the early church had deliberately established the celebration of Christ’s birth at midwinter to help reconcile new believers to the Christian faith — and to try and stamp out pagan worship. However, the plan to replace the rebirth of the sun with the birth of the Son of God had not worked out too well, from the Puritan viewpoint. For that reason alone, Christmas needed to be stamped out.

The protestant dominated Scottish Kirk managed to abolish Christmas in the 1560’s — although King James VI brought it back in a toned down form in 1617. However, Puritans in England remained sadly thwarted in combating Christmas because their influence was restricted….most Puritans preferred to ignore Christmas altogether.

This all changed with the outbreak of the English Civil War. In exchange for Scottish assistance against King Charles I, English MPs had to agree to the reformation of the Church of England to meet exacting Presbyterian standards. The radical puritan elements in the English parliament needed no further excuse. Finally, they could declare war against Christmas as well as the King.

Initially, Puritans banned Christmas in all areas that declared for parliament. On Christmas day, shops were directed to remain open, and church services were forbidden. Meanwhile, parliament itself was busy in London issuing legislation independent of the King that would ban Christmas.

In 1644, MPs passed an ordinance which confirmed the abolition of Easter, Whitsun, and Christmas as feasts of the Church of England. Christmas Day was a day like any other — and to prove the point, staunchly puritan MPs made sure they were at work on Christmas Day.

In January 1645, a new directory of Public Worship declared Sundays the only holy days, due to all other feast days “having no warrant in the word of God.” Now any minister found to be holding services at any other time — including Christmas- was to be imprisoned…

…Under Cromwell, legislation to prosecute those who attended Christmas services was extended to include members of the congregation — not just the ministers. As well as declaring shops and markets should remain open, the Lord Protector also ordered soldiers to patrol the streets and seize and food and drink that appeared to be destined for a Christmas celebration.

The measures were a mixed success. For although most churches did indeed abandon Christmas day services, it was harder to prevent festivities in private homes. As a result was, Christmas went underground. However, the celebrations went on. For the ban on Christmas was not a popular one.

Cromwell needed to reinforce existing legislation because the people of England refused to give up Christmas. Most people kept Christmas on the quiet. Resistance in some areas, however, was brazen…

Violent protests also occurred over Christmas decorations — and church services. In 1647 an angry mob physically prevented the mayor of London and his men from removing Christmas decorations that revelers had draped about a water conduit in Cornhill. When the constables began to arrest people, the protest disintegrated into violence, and one man died of his injuries in Newgate jail.

That same Christmas, The Kingdom’s Weekly Post reported how some eager Christmas churchgoers went to Christmas day services armed to ensure their worship was not interrupted and that “the church doors were kept with swords and other weapons defensive and offensive whilst the minister was in the pulpit.”

By far the most alarming incident of Christmas 1647 occurred in Canterbury, an otherwise pro parliamentary city. A large crowd gathered on Christmas day, demanding services and the all-around keeping of Christmas. When an overexcited protestor assaulted a soldier, the protest turned into a full-on revolt. The Christmas crazy crowd then attacked the Mayor’s house, and before they knew it controlled Canterbury. They held the city for the entire Christmas period, decking doorways with holly and ensuring plenty of Christmas cheer. However, a new slogan arose from amongst the festive greenery: “for god, King Charles, and Kent.” It seemed that some places were so tired of Puritan piety they were even willing to have the supremacy of the monarch back.

By the late 1650s, it seems that the best efforts of Puritans to persuade people to lay aside the ” jollity and vanity of the time” were largely in vain. More and more people were risking arrest to attend unofficial Christmas services. Some shops still refused to open and “taverns and taphouses’ were routinely full on Christmas Day.

In 1656 when a reverend Ezekiel Woodward admitted defeat in the face of a congregation who “go on holding fast to their heathenish customs and abominable idolatries and think they do well’.

….The Puritans had finally lost the battle over Christmas. The Pro Christmas victory, however, did not become decisive until 1660 when the monarchy as finally restored. Then, the Directory of Public Worship and all other legislation made from 1642 onwards was declared null and void. Finally, Christmas in all its secular and sacred glory could be celebrated in the open again.”

The dour Puritans were rightfully called “judaizers” — unlike the Catholics, they worshiped the anti-Christ Jews and sought to emulate their strict adherence to the letter of the Law.

Cromwell’s so-called “Puritan Revolution” — the English Civil War — was financed by wealthy Jews in Amsterdam as a quid pro quo for readmitting the Jews back into England after having been rightfully banished for the previous 300 years by King Edward I.

But Cromwell — a Freemason and early Zionist — was heavily influenced by his relationship with the Amsterdam-based Jew, Menasseh Ben Israel, whose book — The Hope of Israel — provided him with the rationalization that the readmission of the Jews to England, and their subsequent “conversion to Christianity” would hasten the return of Christ.

It appears that Menasseh convinced Cromwell and his Puritan minions that since the British could be counted among the ten lost northern tribes of Israel, the readmission of the Jews to England would fulfill the prophecy of the regathering of the tribes of Israel, which would signal the Second Coming.

Imagine the delight of these Jews stepping onto the shores of England after 300 years of banishment to find that all Christmas celebrations had been outlawed — this would surely be a country where they could now work feverishly to undermine and destroy.

What these judaized Puritans failed to understand is that it was irrelevant whether or not Christmas, Easter, or a hundred other Christian holidays could technically be found in — or endorsed by — the Bible.

And judging from how the Puritans utterly failed to ban Christmas in both England and America, we suspect that Europe would still be pagan today if the stiff-necked Puritans — rather than the Catholics — had been in charge with “selling” Christianity to these early pagan converts.

In fact, Christmas in Germany was originally a celebration of the conversion of the pagans to Christianity according to the story of Saint Boniface.

Yes, Christmas still retains many of the pre-Christian rituals and trappings of Europe, but that in no way negates the fact that the intent of the holiday is to celebrate not only the birth of Jesus Christ — but also His centrality to our entire culture — He — not just the Catholic Church — is the stone upon which our entire European civilization was built (Ephesians 2:20).

That said, today’s “war on Christmas” is not being waged by literal-minded fundamentalist Christians — rather it is now orchestrated by anti-Christ Jews who resent the fact that all of western civilization was built to glorify Jesus Christ.

The “Scrooge-like” Jews have changed the language we are now “allowed” to use at Christmas time — we have been brainwashed to avoid wishing anyone “Merry Christmas” for fear of “offending” or “excluding” anyone — i.e., the Jews — who gleefully rub their hands when we cravenly opt to use their banal, kosher-certified, anti-Christ slogan — “Happy Holidays” instead.


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