Jews at work: Liberals Inject Systemic Self-Hatred Into The Canadian Military


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[Paul Fromm in Canada of CAFE sent me this. Jan]

Government, Media, Education. Now, the Canadian military falls to the purveyors of systemic self-hatred. All of it one giant coincidence, eh?


JAN 16

Consistent among revolutionary leaders of the 20th century, cultural transition existed as a core element. No finer example can be offered up than the "Cultural Revolution" as conceived by Chairman Mao Tse Tung of China.

Frank Dikötter, author of a book on the period, wrote that "Mao hoped his movement would make China the pinnacle of the socialist universe and turn him into the man who leads planet Earth into communism.”

Obfuscated by Canadian media is the idea that PM Justin Trudeau is indulging in a similar tactic, albeit in "post-modern" form.

Revolutionary success relies on penetration of a nation’s key social institutions. Government, naturally, as well as media, education, armed forces and other core elements are targeted for transformation away from their previous incarnations.

On this basis, let us consider what CAP refer to as Justin Trudeau’s "Woke Revolution."

Slow-and-steady she goes as Canada’s controlling institutions are re-imagined in post-modern fashion. Over the course of Trudeau’s eight-year reign, legacy media has been re-configured into a composite of government-funded propaganda outlets.

Canadian academia were converted well before Trudeau’s tenure, as exemplified by neo-Marxist application of anti-colonialism, critical race theory, in addition anti-Anglophone animus.

On this basis, it was only a matter to time before the globalist propaganda machine began to penetrate the Canadian military:

"Veterans 4 Freedom president Drew MacGillivray and member Tom Marazzo reacted to an exclusive report by True North News revealing that a vast majority of the latest issue of the Canadian Military Journal was devoted to disparaging whiteness and claiming that the Canadian Armed Forces was founded on racism."

Patriots stand witness as Liberal government targeting of white Canadians is forcefully injected into our military. In reality, it was only a matter of time.

"Both Marazzo and MacGillivray have a history of service in the military, holding the ranks of captain and lieutenant (Navy), respectively."

“I find it completely offensive, to be perfectly honest,” said Marazzo.

What a shock this is. Since its founding, Anglo-Europeans have dominated the demography of the CAF. Now, here comes Justin Trudeau and his socialist gang of assassins to degrade its denizens.

"The latest summer edition of the journal featured articles with titles such as ‘I’m Not Your Typical White Soldier’– Interrogating Whiteness and Power in the Canadian Armed Forces” and “Supporting Military Families: Challenging or Reinforcing Patriarchy?”

See how the Canada-haters roll? Government, Academia, Media, Corporations, Military– roughly in that order. We recognize parallels to the application of revolutionary socialism in the previous century.

Chief among them is China, a country lauded not just by Justin Trudeau, but by Pierre Trudeau before him, as well as brother Alexandre Trudeau.

"Most of the issue’s authors were academics who argued that the solution to perceived problems of racism and ‘whiteness’ in the military was a program of re-education based on woke principles and ideas."

The surprise of the century this is– not. Enter reverse-racism into the ranks of our military. As rancid as it is, in truth, it’s only half the story.

The other element comes in the form of LGBT indoctrination. Communist governments cannot keep their hands off any major societal institution, and the Liberals are the same.

“October is recognized internationally as LGBT History Month. We encourage the entire Defence Team, from recruits and new hires to senior leadership, to take some time this month to reflect on the contributions of past and present 2SLGBTQI+ Defence Team.”

“This year marks the thirtieth anniversary of the settlement of Michelle Douglas’ historic lawsuit against the Department of National Defence (DND), marking the official end to the ban on 2SLGBTQI+ members in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF).”

One of the most successful tactics utilized by socialist revolutionaries is the de-contextualizing of history. Rhetorical messaging from the Liberal government spins "homophobia" accordingly. Canada, both as a nation and from a military perspective, is in no respect unique in this capacity.

Homosexuality was considered a crime from the colonial period in Canada until 1969. In Britain, decriminalization of homosexuality occurred in 1967. In 1961, the United States began to decriminalize same-sex sexual activity.

Not that you will be hearing about this from Canada’s uber-powerful pride pushers. They want what government want– a verdict of culpability in its most egregious form. The same is to be applied to accusations of racism.

So now, the Canadian military is racist, and well as homophobic. After which Cultural Action Party offer a pertinent question:

Why are you people running down our military? Aren’t these the folks that our citizenship relies on to defend our country? Is this situation not an example of government attacking their own?"

Of course it is, because it’s what occurs within a country whose strings are being pulled toward societal dissolution, to be followed by a re-configuration of nation identity in totality.

Just as Mao Tse Tung perpetrated in China. As Joseph Stalin did during the period of the Russian Revolution. Our media say nothing— just as the press did in China, USSR, and Nazi-occupied Europe.

“Although we can never undo the pain caused by the LGBT Purge, the Canada Pride Citation is an opportunity to recognize the harm experienced by current and former Canadian Armed Forces members,” said General (Gen) Wayne Eyre, Chief of the Defence Staff. “

We come to recognize the hi-jacking of Canadian society. Systemically, Trudeau and the Liberals are poisoning Canada’s controlling institutions by way of anti-Canadian animus.

"The Canada Pride Citation is one way the Government of Canada has taken action to address the historical injustices experienced by LGBT military members, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), and federal public servants."

Government, Media, Education. Now, the Canadian military falls to the purveyors of systemic self-hatred.

All of it one giant coincidence, eh?

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