Jews are demented Garbage and Human Trash – They Thrive on Stupidity and Idiocy
2005: Black Failure: S.Africa: Half of SA pupils do not reach matric
Under Black rule: About half of all South African children drop out of school before they reach Grade 12. The vast majority of these are Black kids.
[This was a note I sent to a Bulgarian NAZI. Jan]
Thank you Bulgarian brother! The only reason Whites are LOSING is because JEWS INFEST and CORRUPT THE TOP ECHELONS OF SOCIETY. They’ve infested them so much and corrupted them so much and even MADE THEM CRAZY AND STUPID. Those people are out of touch with reality and it’s because they spend far too much time interacting with Jews. And we, the common folk, who are closer to reality can’t grasp the madness of the top because we don’t attend their dinner parties and their socials. We don’t hear a fraction of the crap the Jews talk about.
I’ve got a special video I’m working on, which will take a long time, where you can actually hear a Jew talking all his Jewish shit about DIVERSITY and why it is GOOD. You’ll be horrified by what the Jew says as well as his arguments. This will give you an insight into the complete CRAP that Jews speak and it befuddles other Whites. I even found a Christian who converted to Judaism and the crap he speaks about diversity – and he used to be a pretty good academic actually.
I’m telling you, JEWS TALK ALL KINDS OF JEWISH SHIT – all kinds SOPHISTRY. It sounds REAL but it ISN’T and it’s fooling EVERYONE even Presidents, even academics. For Jews to thrive they need to CREATE an environment of junk and in that junk environment they THRIVE. Jews cannot survive in REAL REALITY. e.g. NAZI/RACIST real world. They need a world of madness and stupidity and they thrive in that.
Here in Africa we have Dung beetles. A dung beetle takes cow shit and turns it into a little ball and rolls it along. Jews are like dung beetles, they need their shit. They can’t live without it. These people are misfits and probably quite f*cked mentally actually. They’re DELUSIONAL. NAZIs are realists – we can handle NATURE and the NATURE (cruel) world. We think nothing of it. Jews are demented garbage – human trash.
Video & Audio: The Jews are turning BLUE thanks to St Dylann Roof!
Why are there now photos of people appearing with Blue faces? Whites are getting better and better at communicating with each other, despite every attempt by the Jews to prevent us spreading information.