Jewish Transgender nonsense in Germany: Berlin: The Degeneracy that the National Socialists Crushed
Video & Audio: What is Friedrich Nietzsches Superman? Why is he VERY IMPORTANT?
Nietzsche was at university studying theology to become a Christian Pastor. But then, he changed his mind. What exactly was the motivation behind the work of Nietzsche? Why was he writing these strange new books?
[At the link below are lots of photos of the disgusting Jewish nonsense and sexual deviancy that is their norm. This is what Hitler tried to clean up! Jews are garbage and they twist and destroy any White society they get into. They bring their degenerate garbage with them. As Alex Linder has pointed out: The Jews do the same shit in other countries, every time. I'm sure that their demented culture is what they enjoy living in and whenever they can they bring it into any nation. There may be many many reasons for it and benefits for them for doing this. But for Whites it's bad. It destroys the fine balance of our society and ultimately destroys our civilization. We will return to these topics. Jan]
Weimar Berlin was hotbed of homosexualism, male prostitution; home of first “male-to-female” surgery.
Think Liza Minnelli and Joel Gray in Caberet. Think West Hollywood, Greenwich Village and Provincetown and the Castro, known as hotbeds of homosexuality.
But they are nothing like the uninhibited urban “gay” sexual scene and vast homosexual subculture that flourished in Berlin under Germany’s Weimar Republic.
Just as in the West today, sexual deviance and the belief that some persons should be surgically mutilated because they are “trapped within the wrong body” were promoted by Jews and their allies in pre-National Socialist Berlin.
The city’s “liberal” years — before the rise of Hitler — are detailed in a new book, Gay Berlin.
The “science” of “transsexuality” was founded in Berlin at the Institute of Sexual Science where the first “male-to-female surgery” was performed. The words “homosexual” or “transvestite” were invented there.
Male prostitution, homosexual bars and nightclubs, cabarets populated by gay men, lesbians and transsexuals flourished.
It was in Berlin where Jewish “scientists” and academics concluded that “same sex love was a natural, inborn characteristic and not merely the perversion of a ‘normal’ sexual tendency.”
The Weimar Republic emerged out of the wreckage of World War 1. The Kaiser was gone, the 1919 Versailles Treaty saw the abolition of the German Empire and the loss of significant amounts of its territory.
It was a troubled and tortured time for Germany.
“The pervasive prostitution (both male and female), the public cross-dressing, and the easy access to bars and clubs that catered to homosexual men and lesbians were just a few of the features that supported Berlin’s sex industry.”
Transvestite prostitutes sitting on the laps of homosexual men in the popular Berlin “gay” bar Marienkasin
Hansi Sturm, was the winner of the Miss Eldorado transvestite pageant in 1926
There were twenty-five to thirty separate homosexual German-language periodicals that were appearing in Berlin, weekly or monthly.
There were no other such journals published anywhere else in the world until after 1945, a most significant date.
Transvestites having drinks in the Eldorado club
Dr Magnus Hirschfeld, a Jew, opened the Institute for Sexual Science in Germany in March 1919, the first such facility in the world to openly cater to homosexuals, cross-dressers and intersex individuals also known as hermaphrodites, or individuals supposedly “caught between male and female.”
It was at this institute that Hirschfeld and his colleagues pioneered some of the first genital mutilations done under color of being so-called “sex-reassignment surgeries” as well as primitive hormone treatments.
Picture postcard of the “gay” club Silhouette, popular in the late 1920s and early 1930s. Always under a blue haze of cigarette and cigar smoke, film stars, cabaret artists and wealthy nobility were regulars including a young Marlene Dietrich alongside princes, counts and barons
National Socialist officials sort through perverted materials in the debris of the “Institute for Social Science,” that had been closed down by the new government just before
Hirschfeld, according to Beachy, claimed he wanted homosexual men and lesbians to experience “greater erotic fulfillment that wasn’t connected to procreation.” There is much of significance in that statement.
But in 1933, Hitler and the National Socialists came to power. The sick defilement of our sacred sexuality by Hirschfeld and his fellow Jews was over.
White Shop: Viking Ring: Engagement ring found in Aalborg
Medieval (1200-1500 AD). The engagement ring found in 1884 during a ground excavation.