Jewish sexual creeps at work: Gay men’s choir performs song with the lyrics: We’re coming for your children


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Video: A Lesson for Whites from Napoleon & the Romans regarding other Races
In this video Im going to shock you. But whites must learn to harden themselves, men and women alike. We must harden our minds and stiffen our resolve and well be able to handle our enemies with the greatest of ease!

[This is so disgusting. Jews have brought this weirdo sexual creepy crap to America. Jews are low down scum with weirdo values that freak out anyone who is even slightly normal. Jan]

Critics of the LGBT movement have long warned that conceding ground on issues such as gay marriage would not stem the lobby’s push for more, and a song by a gay choir from San Francisco shows they are correct.

Quick Facts

The San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus posted a YouTube video where the choir sings, “We’re coming for your children.”
The song speaks of “converting” children to promote “tolerance” and expose them to content their parents don’t want them to see.
A report shows there has been a marked increase in LGBT characters in children’s television shows, as well as in family entertainment shows.

“You think we’re sinful, you fight against our right, you say we all lead lives you can’t respect. But you’re just frightened, you think that we’ll corrupt your kids if our agenda goes unchecked. Funny, just this once, you’re correct,” the song says, and then continues,

“We’ll convert your children, happens bit by bit,

quietly and subtlety and you will barely notice it.

You can keep them from disco, warn about San Francisco,

make ’em wear pleated pants, we don’t care.

We’ll convert your children… we’ll make them tolerant and fair.

Just like you’re worried, they’ll change their group of friends,

you won’t approve of where they go at night.

And you’ll be disgusted when they start learning things online

that you kept far from their sight.

We’ll convert your children – Yes we will!

Reaching one and all,

there’s really no escaping it, cause even grandma likes RuPaul.”

The world’s getting kinder, Gen Z’s gayer than Grindr.

We’re coming for them. We’re coming for your children.

The gay agenda is coming home.

The gay agenda is here.”

Pastor James White tweeted, “Reason #1,462,908 to homeschool and communicate a passionate, deep Christian worldview that explains how men are to be men, women to be women, and all are to be thankful for the gifts and roles God has given.”

Meanwhile, a new report shows that the number of homosexual and transgender characters in children’s programming is growing, with at least 259 characters now identifying as LGBT in animated shows.

The LGBT agenda is also being pushed in family-targeted entertainment. For example, Disney will reboot its show “The Proud Family” to center around two gay dads and their adopted daughter, who is a racial activist. Last year, Nickelodeon launched its “Trans Youth Acting Challenge,” which encouraged transgender youth to send in audition tapes for Nickelodeon to watch, and last month, 13-year-old transgender Sasha Cohen appeared in an episode of “Danger Force.”

These incidents show the importance of parents guarding their children against not just physical threats but against those who actively seek to influence their beliefs and actions. While speaking of tolerance, these activists want to indoctrinate other people’s children to support lifestyles that their parents morally oppose.

When the fight was about gay marriage, Christians were told that gays only wanted equality and the right to marry the person they love just like heterosexual couples. Of course, their agenda did not stop there, as a militant LGBT lobby has marched on, quickly conquering corporate America and fighting intently for the hearts and minds of America’s youth.

Christian doctrine, based on the clear teachings of Scripture, holds that homosexuality is a sin and is against God’s established order. Sin is never satisfied to be tolerated by others, but desires to be honored. Those in the Gay Men’s Chorus are not content to say, “You believe my lifestyle is sinful, but I disagree.” It is their vindictive desire to take your children from you and turn them into LGBT advocates simply because you believe differently.

If you don’t think you are in a battle with the culture for your children then you are already losing. It is important to remember admonitions from the Bible.

Ephesians 6:10-13, NASB, says,

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist on the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm.”

2 Corinthians 10:3-5 says,

“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not wage battle according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying arguments and all arrogance raised against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.”

The battle is not with the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus, the battle is with the spiritual forces of darkness that have taken them captive. Christians should pray for those trapped in sins of all kinds, as we all struggle with worldly temptations. And then guard your children and their hearts and minds by taking an active interest in what they are taught.


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