Jewish Scientists and supposed Alien worlds
Video: Tom Metzger & Jan: Discuss: UFOs, Germans in Antarctica; Vietnam War & much more!
We began our chat with me discussing military secrecy and a video I did called: How America built UFOs which really is about military secrecy.
I am noticing when I go through science articles that I’m seeing more stuff about alien civilisations and aliens being real than ever before in my life in mainstream science. Whenever I have investigated the scientists behind this stuff I have always found Jews to be involved. I think the Jews might be trying to misdirect Whites (as usual) away from real things on Earth which really impact us and threaten us, to other nonsense that is (a) unproven (b) presents no threat to us. If it even existed, it would not affect us for hundreds of millions of years or even billions of years.
I suspect though, that NONE of these "advanced alien civilisations" actually exist. I have always traced these things back to some Jewish "scientist" who is talking a lot of shit.
Jews taint everything they touch. I am horrified at how this is spreading in science though.
White Shop: The best Rhodesian T-Shirt ever: The Rhodesians are coming
This is my all time favourite Rhodesian T-shirt. It‘s absolutely hilarious.