Jewish ‘Researchers’ Hope To Cure ‘Antisemitism’ By Legalizing Party Drug MDMA ‘Ecstasy’
Kenya: Witchcraft: The devil told me to have sex with sheep
Witchcraft is rampant across Africa. This story is incredibly weird and bizarre. Other Blacks said this Black guy was also having sex with a dog. This story makes for some insane reading. I published this on my old website.
[The demented Jew scum are always busy with all kinds of weird demented crap. These people are dangerous. Jan]
(Forward) Since Jews have long insisted that all forms of “antisemitism” are completely “irrational” — and have pushed to have it declared an officially recognized “mental disorder” — it should come as no surprise that they are now working feverishly to find a drug that can cure “gentiles” of this pernicious “disease” — and some “researchers” believe they may have found the answer in MDMA or ‘Ecstasy’ — an illegal party drug invented by a Jew — with its international trafficking centered and controlled by drug manufacturers and dealers in Israel:
“If you learned that a single pill had led a neo-Nazi to renounce his hateful beliefs, would you: (a) Demand more research to find out if the pill really works, or (b) Ignore existing evidence and continue to outlaw the pill?
If you picked the second option, congratulations: You’ve just described the folly of American drug policy for the past 40 years.
We’ve long known that MDMA, more popularly known as Molly or Ecstasy, is an effective treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Israel has used it for this purpose since 2019.
But there is also some preliminary evidence that the drug can turn haters into lovers, making it a powerful potential tool for deradicalization.
The FDA is expected to approve MDMA and psilocybin, also known as psychedelic mushrooms, for PTSD therapy within the next two years. But further progress on more experimental fronts has long been delayed by regulatory hurdles.
At a time when hate, extremism and intolerance threaten to tear America apart, it is mind-boggling that we are not pushing to better understand how MDMA and other psychedelics can bring people together, or aid efforts to deradicalize people lost to hate.
The most promising evidence of MDMA’s effects on hate was discovered by accident. During the conclusion of a 2020 University of Chicago double blind study on the effect of MDMA on social touch, one participant known as “Brandon” revealed to researchers that he led the Midwest branch of Identity Evropa, a white nationalist group that played a key role in the 2017 “Unite the Right!” rally — and that taking MDMA had led him to a life-changing revelation.
“Love is the most important thing,” he told a stunned researcher, who followed up. “Nothing matters without love.” Brandon’s story shocked researchers, and for good reason.
“To think that a drug could change somebody’s beliefs and thoughts without any expectations,” said Dr. Harriet de Wit, the study director, “it’s mind-boggling.”
Rachel Nuwer, who spoke with “Brandon” for her just-released book, I Feel Love: MDMA and the Search for Connection in a Fractured World, told me in a phone interview that his story “does raise the possibility that this could be a ripe field of investigation. Can we use MDMA or other psychedelics as tools to de-radicalize people with extremist views, at least people who are somewhat open to it?”
The strange and very Jewish story of the ‘love drug’:
First synthesized by a Merck pharmaceutical chemist in 1911, MDMA sat unexplored for decades until (((Alexander Shulgin))), a California pharmacologist whose family fled persecution in Czarist Russia, began experimenting with it as a psychedelic substance.
“This substance stimulated but was not a stimulant,” he wrote, “it disinhibited without being an intoxicant; it helped to express feelings and emotions more freely, but without impairing self-control.”
Shulgin, whom Jewish Currents called “the zeyde [grandfather] of psychedelics” and his fellow researchers, “had no idea how this new medicine produced such stunning results,” writes Nuwer. “All they knew was that it seemed to catalyze mental breakthroughs that normally would take months, years, or even a lifetime of traditional therapy to achieve.”
At the same time, MDMA was spreading internationally as a party drug— Israelis were among the largest underground distributors of Ecstasy in the world, according to Nuwer. That raised alarms among the generals in America’s disastrous “War on Drugs,” a process that Nuwer’s book reveals in all its tortured, bureaucratic folly.
The upshot? Since 1985, MDMA has been banned as a Schedule I drug in the United States.
“All the federal funding was going into finding out the harms of drugs, proving that these things are going to melt your brain or whatever,” Nuwer told me during a phone interview.
Enter (((Rick Doblin))), the activist founder of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies. After being introduced to MDMA by one of its pioneering users, (((Dr. Stanslav Grof))), Doblin, then a psychology undergraduate, began a multi-decade pathway toward FDA approval of MDMA research and use.
Nuwer said Doblin, born into a Conservative Jewish family in Chicago, learned “oppressive rules are made to be broken” while delivering prayer books to Soviet Jews in the 1970s…
That MDMA’s history is so tied to Jews — Shulgin, Zeff, Grof, Doblin, and numerous others — makes sense when you understand the power of the drug, said Natalie Lyla Ginsberg, MAPS global impact officer.
“We have a lot of intergenerational trauma,” she told me, “and a lot of space to ask questions.”
Ginsberg, a Yale graduate whose time as a social worker exposed her to the injustices of the drug war, runs the annual Jewish Psychedelic Summit, which connects doctors, rabbis, therapists and others in an online “global conversation” about the connections between psychedelics and Judaism. She is working with researchers at Hebrew University to develop metrics for exploring MDMA’s use in conflict resolution between Palestinians and Israelis. But she and Nuwer say preliminary results point to a big caveat in psychedelic research in general, and MDMA in particular: it’s not magic.
Intention, said Nuwer, is everything. Couples need to go into MDMA therapy looking to heal their relationship. Addicts need to want to kick their habits — in which case MDMA has proven to be far more effective than traditional therapies. Cult members need to be ready to leave their cults.
And former white supremacists like Brandon need to be open to change. Before taking part in the study, Brandon had already been outed as an extremist and had been fired from his job because of it. His family was no longer talking to him. He wanted a new life.
“It’s really about what you bring to the experience,” Nuwer told me. “MDMA can perhaps nudge you in that direction and open your mind, if you’re already a little bit open to it. But, you know, if you just put MDMA in Donald Trump’s Diet Coke, he’s not gonna suddenly change. He’s just going to love himself more and love his followers more…”
The drug’s Jewish pioneers were on to something: MDMA therapy has already demonstrated its ability to break down the hate, trauma and conflict that can not just destroy individuals, but entire societies. There is promising research using MDMA to rescue couples on the brink of divorce and as treatment for antisocial behavior….
And what about Brandon, the former white supremacist who found some salvation in MDMA? Nuwer, who is still in touch with him, said he has refused media interviews because he wants to move on in his life. He told her he wants to continue taking MDMA as therapy, but not under the current law.”
The reality is that it wasn’t “antisemitism” that destroyed “Brandon’s” life — rather, it was having his identity “doxxed” — made public — forcing him to disavow his “racist” views — and opening him up to the mind-altering drug, MDMA.
And the fact that his life could be destroyed for openly criticizing Jewish power only confirmed that his “antisemitic” views were correct — Jews do have that kind of power to destroy anyone who criticizes or opposes them.
No doubt this is why “Brandon” wants to continue dosing “Ecstasy” — the changes it affects are only temporary — and without continuous dosing, he may no longer feel the chemically-induced “love” for Jews that the drug seems to produce.
MDMA is a similar drug to LSD — another drug that Jewish psychiatrists experimented with in the 1960s to treat mental patients — which ultimately showed no long-term “cures”.
In other words, MDMA short-circuits the rational part of the brain and allows pure emotion to dominate — and Jews are masters at evoking emotional appeals, which is why they have always targeted women and children with communist propaganda — they know that rational men will not be persuaded by its emotional manipulations.
As the “assimilated Jew” Henry Kissinger once stated, “antisemitic” opposition to Jewish influence is completely rational:
“If it were not for the accident of my birth, I would be antisemitic. Any people who have been persecuted for 2000 years must be doing something wrong.”
However, most Jews are taught from the cradle that “antisemitism” is completely irrational — which absolves them from any responsibility for its existence — and eternal persistence.
Rabbi Zalman Melamed believes that using drugs like MDMA would be completely futile because,
“…anti-Semitism is not merely a senseless fact, but that it had actually been established this way by the Creator, as a law of nature. Clouds make rain, Fire burns fields, gentiles hate Jews. An attempt to stop anti-Semitism “once and for all,” is tantamount to trying to stop water being so darn wet.“
Jews were also major force behind the legalization of marijuana — first used in “legitimate” medical research — then blanket legalization for recreational purposes — and they are using the same strategy with MDMA.
Once MDMA is legalized for recreational purposes, the drug manufacturers and dealers in Israel stand to make billions as they already control the market.
Once legalized, the next step could be state-mandated drugging — for example, during the fake COVID “pandemic”, one professor of medical “ethics” proposed adding a drug to the water supply which would make the public more likely to “morally” accept the government’s draconian rules and mass vaccination.
Jewish supremacists at the ADL have announced that anyone who uses the term “New World Order” is probably an “antisemitic conspiracy theorist” — as they consider this phrase a “dog whistle” for Jewish world domination.
Perhaps the ADL doesn’t want us to know that Jews themselves began using the phrase “New World Order” over 100 years ago to describe their plan for a worldwide judeo-communist takeover:
“The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish planning and Jewish dissatisfaction. Our plan is to have a New World Order. What worked so wonderfully in Russia is going to become reality for the whole world.”
—The American Hebrew Magazine, New York, September 10, 1920
In his dystopian futuristic 1932 novel, Brave New World — written in the wake of the Bolshevik Revolution — Aldous Huxley posited the idea that a happy, well-adjusted society could occur only with the help of a “feel good” pharmaceutical called “Soma” — which sounds eerily similar to MDMA:
“And if ever, by some unlucky chance, anything unpleasant should somehow happen, why, there’s always soma to give you a holiday from the facts. And there’s always soma to calm your anger, to reconcile you to your enemies, to make you patient and long-suffering. In the past you could only accomplish these things by making a great effort and after years of hard moral training. Now, you swallow two or three half-gramme tablets, and there you are. Anybody can be virtuous now. You can carry at least half your morality about in a bottle. Christianity without tears — that’s what soma is.”
In 1952, British philosopher, Bertrand Russell, confirmed Huxley’s vision of “better living through chemistry” when he wrote,
“Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so.”
–Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science on Society, 1952
Jews have always known how to steal a good idea when they see one — so naturally it would be in their best interest to develop a drug like MDMA or “Soma” that would render any criticism of their power “psychologically impossible”.
Surely, it’s just a “coincidence” that the popular MDMA pills called the “Red Army Skulls” (see photo at top of article) are an apt symbol of this death cult known as the New World Order (aka Judaism).
Nor it is another “coincidence” that the infamous “date rape” drug — Rohypnol or “roofies” — was developed by a Jewish biochemist, Leo Sternbach — nor is it a coincidence that Rohypnol is often mixed with MDMA as a popular “club drug” combination.
Considering that Jews — by their own admission — suffer from “inter-generational trauma” arising from their unshakable belief in the imaginary Holocaust™ — along with their inordinately high levels of mental disorders such as schizophrenia — along with their eternal hatred of “gentiles” as taught by their “learned” rabbis — perhaps they should be less concerned about drugging those who “hate” them For No Reason Whatsoever™ and be more concerned about drugging themselves — and learn to love the Christian nations who have taken them in — against our own interests and better judgment — and provided them with freedom, wealth and prosperity they could have acquired nowhere else.
Jewish MDMA “researcher” — Rachel Nuwer — lifted the title of her book I Feel Love: MDMA and the Search for Connection in a Fractured World from Donna Summer’s 1977 disco hit record — which became an anthem at raves 25 years later during MDMA’s hey day:
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