Jewish Love-fest with Communist China grows: Israel Sees 70% Increase in Exports in Past Decade; Exports to China Increased 5-fold


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[The Jews have seen to it that there is MASSIVE technology and investment flow going to China. They have also STOLEN US technology and sent it to China. China is the next Jewish super-power and of course… the goal is as always to create new ENEMIES FOR OUR RACE. Above all, to see to it that Europe can never grow. Jan]

Israeli exports increased by almost 70% in the past decade, the exports to China grew five-fold, and 2019 will break another record in Israeli export which is expected to reach $114 billion, an increase of 4.5% compared to the previous year’s figures, according to a report by Israel’s Foreign Trade Administration (FTA).

Looking at the past decade, exports in 2019 grew by about 68% compared to exports in 2009, which stood at about $ 67.7 billion.


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