Jewish HATE and Jewish Supremacism: Chief Rabbi Ovadia Yosef is a Prima Facie Example of Jewish Supremacism and Hate
This is a written analysis I did in 2021 and it contains links to other articles and also videos. I explain why China will be unable to conquer Taiwan and what the USA and it‘s Allies are capable of.
‘Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel.’ — Chief Rabbi Ovadia Yosef
Ovadia Yosef (1920-2013) was the Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel from 1973 to 1983. Upon his death in 2013 at the age of 93, an estimated 800,000 Israelis attended his funeral. Some accounts said over a million.
Former Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Perez said of Yosef, “When I pressed his hand, I felt I was touching history, and when I kissed his head, it was as though I kissed the very greatness of Israel.”
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, “The Jewish people have lost one of the wisest men of this generation.”
Let’s take a look at some of the pronouncements of this so-called great and wise man as published in the Times of Israel, which applied the timid and understated headline “Yosef’s Most Controversial Quotes.”
But first, it must be said that only in a Jewish-occupied condition would a vast majority of people be ignorant of this belief system, and those who would dare to call it out be labeled “anti-semitic.” Is there disavowal? Judaics barely have any introspection on this. Nor is any standard expected in their comportment. At best, they call such views “controversial.” At worst, they weep uncontrollably at Yosef’s funeral and refer to him as great and wise.
No excuses. Yosef and those who honor him or apologize for him practice shameful, bonafide anti-gentilism.
The following quotes taken from the Times of Israel article are from Rabbi Yosef’s weekly Saturday night sermons.
The purpose of Gentiles — to serve Jews (October 2010)
“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel.”
“In Israel, death has no dominion over them … With gentiles, it will be like any person – they need to die, but [God] will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money.”
“This is his servant … That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew.”
“Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat … That is why gentiles were created.”
On Christians
“God’s retribution,” emphasized Rabbi Yosef, is due to Jesus, the “hateful one,” and all Christians. Such are “idolaters” and while Israel is not yet powerful enough to make war on all Christians, it is only a matter of time. We must, he stressed, totally destroy their churches, “which are definitely places of idolatry and cult practice.”
“We are commanded by our law to destroy all idolatry and its servants,” said the Rabbi. We should, therefore, eradicate Christians and their churches “from any areas that we are able to conquer.”
On Muslims (December 2009)
“They’re stupid. Their religion is as ugly as they are.”
On making peace with Arabs (August 2000)
“How can you make peace with a snake?”
“Those evildoers, the Arabs — it says in the Gemara [Talmud] that God is sorry he ever created those sons of Ishmael.”
On Hurricane Katrina (July 2005)
“There was a tsunami and there are terrible natural disasters, because there isn’t enough Torah study … Black people reside there [New Orleans]. Blacks will study the Torah? [God said] let’s bring a tsunami and drown them.”
“Hundreds of thousands remained homeless. Tens of thousands have been killed. All of this because they have no God.”
“Bush was behind Gush Katif [the Gaza settlement bloc]. He encouraged Sharon to expel Gush Katif … We had 15,000 people expelled here, and there 150,000. It was God’s retribution … God does not short-change anyone.”
On women
He said that a woman could not wear a wig in public and that, “A woman’s knowledge is only in sewing and cooking.”
The rabbi also made the important pronouncement that, “Picking your nose is forbidden on the Sabbath.”
Any more questions?
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