Jewish garbage: The Nobel Committee Should Give Zelensky the Peace Price Now


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Video: Professor Quigley: The Jewish Rothschilds and the History of Banking and Money
Professor Quigley was hated by the White Right in the 1960s. The bulk of this video is 40 pages specially removed from his 1966 book, Tragedy and Hope, which deal with the Jewish Rothschilds, banking and Whites and Jews who played a big role in capitalism.

John Kaminski sent me an article, which I had also spotted earlier, on another website. It was a lot of garbage from a pro-Jew Liberal outfit, that I won’t dignify by publishing it.

It’s a load of hogwash about how the Penis Comedian Jew Zelensky should get a Nobel Peace Prize.

So the Jews are crowing to high heaven about the wonders of this apparently awesome Jew penis comedian who runs Ukraine.

Jews are forever tooting their horns. This was mentioned in THE GREAT JEWISH MASK that I put out.

I just wrote back to John saying yeah, I’ve seen this Jewish crap.

It’s all a bunch of self-serving garbage from them.

The real disgusting possibility is that the little Jew rat might very well GET the Nobel Prize.

They’ll probably portray him as the "Winston Churchill" of Jews who saved the world.

I’m no Putin fan, but this does disgust me.

I just keep asking myself how the Jew penis comedian came to rule 44 million European people. What Jewish nonsense and corruption was going on there?

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