Jewish filth at work in Canada: If Holocaust Law Passes, Canada Will Soon Have A State Religion – War on White Canadians


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[The Jewish lies never end. The Jewish crap is just force-fed to every White on the planet. Rammed down your throat. This does not surprise me because the Communist leader of Canada, Trudeau, is actually deeply connected to Jews. So let's ask ourselves the question: Why is there going to be a Holocaust law in Canada? Why does Canada need it? This is all about cornering the Whites and smashing them. This is like the COVID nonsense. There is a war ON WHITE Canadians. That war is to shut them the hell up. All these weird things happening in Canada. It is to crush the life out of the White Canadians. Trudeau is a bag of shit. You can see it in all the things he's done. This is so disgusting. But rest assured the JEWS, the billionaire Jews behind Trudeau, etc are behind this. This should show you how weak and pathetic the politicians are. Jews are just ramming their Jewish lies down the throats of Canadians. There is to be no discussion, no facts. IN THE END, ALL WHITES WILL BE FIGHTING FOR THEIR LIVES – EVERYWHERE. That's where this Jewish garbage is taking us all. Jan]

Move over,Iran, and other theocracies, Canada may soon join you as a country with an imposed state religion. The many in Canada’s elite who loath Christianity needn’t fear: It’s not Christianity. And those who fear the aggressive conquering religion of many of our newcomers, Islam, can take comfort; it’s not Islam.

It is a self-serving tribal story called "the holocaust." The CanadianPress reports: "Holocaust denial is to be outlawed in Canada, in a further effort to stamp out rising antisemitism. The federal government is set to make it a criminal offence to make a statement denying the Holocaust took place or condoning or downplaying the killing of Jews by the Nazi regime, except in a private conversation.

Ministers plan to use a bill enacting the budget to swiftly change the Criminal Code, budget documents show."

What happened between Jews and the National Socialist government of Germany during World War II, would normally be considered a matter of history. An historical event can be discussed, debated or revised. When you are no longer allowed to discuss but must holler "I believe", then we’re no longer dealing with history but a quasi-religion, where heretics or dissenters or even plain skeptics must be punished.

An historical question may be freely debated. For instance, did Abraham Lincoln like Blacks? Ironically, the Great Emancipator was a segregationist and did not think Blacks and Whites could live together and favoured a back-to-Africa programme after the Civil War. This is true but you may object and offer another conclusion and not fear jail or job loss in the U.S.A.

Should this despicable piece of thought control being snuck into the budget pass, you will not be free to dissent from the Hollywood version of World War II in Canada. Canada’s Jewish lobby groups, especially the misnamed League for Human Rights on B’nai Brith (as long a freedom of speech or belief are not considered human rights) have long campaigned to make their tribal history of WWII compulsory belief in Canada and dissent dubbed "holocaust denial" a crime. The thinking man or woman may wonder why, if an account is so manifestly true, that those with a contrary point of view must be criminalized. Do we jail people who deny that the earth is more or less round?

The excuse for this restriction on free speech, free thought and discussion is the usual flim-flam of victimhood. The Canadian Press reports: " “Jewish Canadians comprise one per cent of the Canadian population yet are the target of 62 per cent of all religiously motivated hate crimes,” said Richard Marceau, vice-president of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs. “We live in a time of rising antisemitism.” Firstly, these statistics do not refer to actual convictions. The term "hate crime" means any incident — usually a mere posting on the Internet –that is critical of the group making the accusation. Hate speech is speech the accuser hates. From all the huffing and puffing aout rising anti-Semitism, you might think that synagogues were going up in flames and Jewish businesses being firebombed and individual Jews shot dead on the streets. No, you didn’t miss a news cycle. None of these things are happening. B’nai Brith has published its Annual Audit of Anti-Semitic Incidents for over 30 years and, unfailingly, every year reports more anti-Semitic "incidents" than the year before. Things are always getting worse for these hucksters of victimhood, who still manage to get such a seemingly hostile society to enact their legislative wishes and promote their pet projects.

As for burning or vandalized religious institutions, it’s Christian churches, 52 of them, that were the targets last Spring. Trudeau who is introducing this thought control measure took weeks to even mention these attacks. He disagreed with them but found them ‘understandable".

Jews, according to StatsCan, are Canada’s richest minority. They are disproportionately represented in media, businesses and the professions. Their interests are solicitously listened to by politicians and the government. Whatever else they may be, Jews are not a vulnerable minority.

In fact, as the Canadian Press article points out the Federal Government is even providing special funding for Jewish interests.

"The budget set aside more than $70 million for initiatives benefiting Canada’s Jewish community. This includes $20 million for the relocation and expansion of the Montreal Holocaust Museum and $2.5 million to support the Sarah and Chaim Neuberger Holocaust Education Centre in Toronto." Also, "Irwin Cotler is the prime minister’s special envoy on preserving Holocaust remembrance and combating antisemitism.

The budget earmarked $5.6 million over five years to support Cotler’s office."

Why shouldn’t the wealthy Jewish community pay for funding the promotion of its own tribal history?

Justin Trudeau has long shown that he’s no friend of individual freedoms — except in the Ukraine, of course. Early on in the growing list of federal government COVID restrictions, members of his government mused about censoring "misinformation" on the Internet. In 2021, they brought in Bills C-10 and C-36, both of which involved severe restrictions on free speech. Neither became law as Parliament was prorogued for the election.

"Those of us who support freedom of speech and freedom of thought have a real battle in the months ahead to fight this latest descent into tyranny and now into a state imposed pseudo-religion," says Paul Fromm Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression.

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