Jewish Control of US Presidents #1: Woodrow Wilson


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USA‘s No 1 WHITE Racial Prisoner: Reverend Matt Hale
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[Jews capture and control and infuence virtually ever White leader in the Western world. Jews do not belong in Western politics. They are destroying our civilisation. Jan]

As many now note, and as certain Jewish organizations have themselves boasted, the current Biden administration is stocked with Jews at the highest levels. Significant numbers of the most powerful cabinet positions are filled by Jews, as well as various department leadership positions, the White House Chief of Staff, and throughout the administrative structure.

Here we will not attempt to assert whether this means the current President Biden is himself controlled by Jews. We will look back in history to present evidence that a select sampling of US Presidents had fallen under the control of certain Jewish individuals and groups. This will prove significant, since these Presidential administrations enacted some of the policies that led to ruinous wars that changed the fate of humanity and brought on immense national debt, devastating poverty, and unemployment for US workers, slavish support for the Jewish ethnostate of Israel to the deep detriment of the US, and large increases in profits and power for Jews.

Woodrow Wilson (1913–1921)

Our first examination will consider Woodrow Wilson, who served two terms from the crucial year of 1913, through the period of US entry into World War I, the Treaty of Versailles in 1919, and a post-war period until 1921. In his first term, Wilson signed the Federal Reserve and Internal Revenue Acts on December 23, 1913. In his second term, Wilson approved US entry into World War I, causing the defeat of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey in alliance with Ireland and other nations, at a time when Germany and Britain were considering peace terms and the end of the war. Through the Treaty of Versailles and the Paris Agreements, which Wilson attended along with his Jewish advisors, this led ultimately to World War II and thus to the fulfillment of the Balfour Declaration, culminating in the disastrous establishment of the new Jewish nation of Israel in the midst of Arab, Muslim and some Christian lands. The horrors of these developments begun during the Wilson administration still afflict the US and the world today.

Jewish Blackmail of the President

Wilson’s trajectory to the Presidency involved the intervention of wealthy powerful Jews. He had recently resigned as President of Princeton University when he ran for governor of New Jersey in 1910. Soon a scandal emerged when it was claimed that Wilson was having an intimate affair with the wife of one of the Princeton professors. Wilson himself was of course married, and if the scandal reached the newspapers—the press was almost the only form of media at the time—then Wilson would have faced joblessness and the prospect of withdrawing from the Governor’s race.

Benjamin Freedman was a young Jew at the time who acted as liaison between the Senate Finance Committee led by a Jew, Henry Morgenthau Sr. and the Secretary of the Treasury Rollo Wells. Freedman later renounced his Jewish identity and spent most of his life speaking out against the cabal of Jewish bankers he once worked among. In 1974 Freedman gave a speech to Marine cadets. Some of his statements regarding Wilson and Jewish bankers follow:

So, we had a President in Washington, Mr. Taft. Mr. Jacob Schiff, of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., the bankers in New York who are the arm in the United States of the Rothschild International worldwide plutocracy—Mr. Schiff, with two young men, went down to see Mr. Taft. … Jacob Schiff came back to New York (He was at that time head of The American Jewish Committee)… They ganged up in New York, to get rid of Taft [likely because Taft opposed abrogating a trade agreement with Russia promoted by the American Jewish community  and aimed at benefiting Russian Jews; here, p. 195]. I was a protégé of Mr. Bernard Baruch… So the stage was set to get rid of the Republican Party and the Republican President and put in their own party and their own President. But it was very difficult… Mr. Baruch was picked out as the leg man. He was a smart man! … Mr. Jacob Schiff and the Jews (use that word as I told you, with reservations) put up the money to launch this Party, and they looked around for a man to put up as President. … they got Woodrow Wilson… They trotted Theodore Roosevelt out of the political “moth-balls” (He was then an editor of a magazine). They told him, “You are the indispensable man. You are the only man who can save the United States.” And with his ego they formed the “Bull Moose Party” and Mr. Jacob H. Schiff and the Jews throughout the world—they got plenty of money from England—they formed the Bull Moose Party. And in that way they split the Republican vote between Roosevelt and Taft, and Mr. Wilson walked in with a minority of the popular vote. …

You find in politics, every time they pick a candidate, and put him out in front, they have the goods on him. You know he had been sleeping with the wife of the professor who lived next door to him at Princeton, whose name was Peck. And they used to call Wilson, at Princeton, “Peck’s bad boy.” When she got a divorce and moved to Washington, she married a man who had a son. And that son borrowed $40,000 from the bank, without asking them. He didn’t know how to pay it back, and the pressure on him was getting very, very hot. So this woman heard of Samuel Untermeyer (of the big firm, Googenheim, Untermeyer and Marshall) a prominent Democrat; and supplied much money to the party. She went to him with a big package of letters… So, they cooked this up and she got the idea of blackmailing him (Wilson). She got Samuel Untermeyer to go to see him, as a lawyer. He was a big contributor to the Party and he knew Wilson, and he went there. To make a long story short, Wilson didn’t have the money; Untermeyer provided it, and the boy paid the money back.

Now, Mr. Untermeyer told President Wilson, “I’ll advance that money if you will do one favor for me. The next opening on the Supreme Court, I want to name the man.” He said, “We’ve never had a Jew on the Supreme Court. I think there ought to be a Jew on the Supreme Court.” So Wilson said, “It’s a deal!” and they paid the $40,000. When a vacancy appeared on the Supreme Court, Mr. Untermeyer recommended Mr. Brandeis. Mr. Brandeis was the number one Zionist in the United States; the head of them all, and he became very friendly with Wilson.

We will return to Freedman’s transcript regarding the US entry into World War I. We must first clarify and corroborate this account of Wilson’s apparent blackmail by Jewish bankers, especially Samuel Untermeyer as contact with Wilson.

Wilson was exchanging what appear to be love letters with Mary Hulbert Peck for eight years starting during his presidency of Princeton in 1907, spanning his brief term as governor of New Jersey, and part of his first term as U.S. President until 1915. For seven of those years, Wilson was married to Ellen Axton Wilson, who died in August 1914. To summarize the impact of this scandal when it spread through the newspapers during this time: “But for a presidential candidate to have acknowledged any serious intentions toward her, a divorcee and already a cause of gossip, would have been, by post-Victorian standards, social and political suicide.” Untermeyer would know to exploit this blackmail on Wilson when he approached the President on Mary Hulbert’s behalf (She had divorced her husband Peck as early as 1912). The $40,000 that Untermeyer requested from Wilson in 1910 is worth $1.25 million today. Untermeyer paid it to Mary on Wilson’s behalf, owning Wilson thereafter.

Louis Brandeis: First Jew on the Supreme Court

Wilson nominated Louis Brandeis to the Supreme Court on January 28, 1916. So controversial was this nomination that the confirmation process endured an unprecedented four months, and included the first public hearing the Senate Judiciary Committee ever held. Conservative Republicans especially opposed Brandeis’ nomination, and were of course denounced as “anti-Semitic.” Many years later Brandeis’ replacement on the Supreme Court, William Douglas, writing in the New York Times, said of him, “He was dangerous because he was incorruptible,” and “a militant crusader for social justice.”

When the Senate committee conducting the confirmation hearing requested letters of endorsement from Attorney General Thomas Watt Gregory, who announced that none were available, Wilson stepped in to give his own endorsement. Wilson wrote of Brandeis: “I knew him to be singularly qualified by learning, by gifts, and by character for the position.” Wilson further gushed:

…he is exceptionally qualified. I cannot speak too highly of his impartial, impersonal, orderly, and constructive mind, his rare analytical powers, his deep human sympathy, his profound acquaintance with the historical roots of our institutions and insight into their spirit, or of the many evidences he has given of being imbued to the very heart with our American ideals of justice and equality of opportunity; of his knowledge of modern economic conditions and of the way they bear upon the masses of the people, or of his genius in getting persons to unite in common and harmonious action and look with frank and kindly eyes into each other’s minds, who had before been heated antagonists. This friend of justice and of men will ornament the high court of which we are all justly proud. I am glad to have had the opportunity to pay him this tribute of admiration and of confidence…

The eventual approval of Brandeis’ nomination fulfilled Wilson’s promise to his creditor Untermeyer to place a Jew on the Supreme Court.

Brandeis was a strong supporter of Wilson during his first campaign and provided the candidate with economic talking points such as “regulated competition.” After the election, Wilson told Brandeis, “You were yourself a great part of the victory.” “Brandeis also served as Wilson’s chief economic adviser from 1912 until 1916.” This “friend of justice and of men” went on to be “instrumental in shaping the new Federal Reserve Act.” We will see what an immense disaster the Fed has been to the American people, and what a siphon of wealth and power to Jewish bankers. In all Brandeis served on the Supreme Court for twenty-three years, pushing the “progressive” agenda and even helped design the U.S. position on the creation of the new nation of Czechoslovakia, which became a grave threat to Germany and almost became the first flash point for World War II.

On top of all else, Brandeis was an avid supporter of the early Zionist movement in the US. He was elected President of The Provisional Executive Committee for Zionist Affairs in New York, and advocated for a “Jewish homeland” in his book The Jewish Problem: How to Solve It. The book contains the transcript of a speech Brandeis gave to a group of Reform Rabbis in 1915, and states the essence of his Zionist views:

The Zionists seek to establish this home in Palestine because they are convinced that the undying longing of Jews for Palestine is a fact of deepest significance; that it is a manifestation in the struggle for existence by an ancient people which has established its right to live, a people whose three thousand years of civilization has produced a faith, culture and individuality which enable it to contribute largely in the future, as it has in the past, to the advance of civilization; and that it is not a right merely but a duty of the Jewish nationality to survive and develop. They believe that only in Palestine can Jewish life be fully protected from the forces of disintegration; that there alone can the Jewish spirit reach its full and natural development; and that by securing for those Jews who wish to settle there the opportunity to do so, not only those Jews, but all other Jews will be benefited, and that the long perplexing Jewish Problem will, at last, find solution.

How well Brandeis’s vision has contributed “to the advance of civilization” and the “full and natural development” of “the Jewish spirit,” much less to the idea that “all other Jews will be benefited” and even “”the long perplexing Jewish Problem will… find solution” can be known by examining this account by If Americans Knew, “A Synopsis of the Israel/Palestine Conflict.” In short, the Zionist state has been a disaster for the Middle East region, the United States, in some sense the world, and even the majority of the Jewish people in Israel and elsewhere. It has inflicted the greatest disaster upon the Palestinian people, something Brandeis takes not into account. The only use of the word “Palestinian” in his work is:

In the Jewish colonies of Palestine there are no Jewish criminals; because everyone, old and young alike, is led to feel the glory of his race and his obligation to carry forward its ideals. The new Palestinian Jewry produces instead of criminals, great scientists… discoverer(s)… craftsmen… founder(s)…

Unfortunately for Brandeis’ vision, Israel is especially known as a den of thieves and crooks. This examination, “Israel, A Refuge for Swindlers” provides the evidence.

Rabbi Stephen Wise, Influencer

This essay would not be complete—and indeed cannot be complete short of an entire book—on the Jewish control over President Wilson, without at least a brief mention of Rabbi Stephen Wise. The Holocaust Encyclopedia entry for Wise states it reasonably well:

Unlike most Reform rabbis and congregants at the time, Wise became a Zionist, committed to the establishment of a Jewish state. He attributed this to his first encounter with Theodor Herzl, the founder of modern Zionism, at the second Zionist Congress in 1898. During that meeting Wise was elected to the Zionist General Action Committee. In 1914, he served as deputy to Louis Brandeis when Brandeis became head of the American Zionist movement. Both men were instrumental in obtaining President Woodrow Wilson’s support for the Balfour Declaration of 1917, which committed Great Britain to facilitate the establishment of a Jewish national home in Palestine. Wise founded the American Jewish Congress in 1920, became president of the Zionist Organization of America in 1936, and continued to play a key role in the US Jewish community for the rest of his life.

Along with Brandeis, Wise was “instrumental” with Wilson in supporting the Balfour Declaration, which not only obligated Great Britain in giving Palestine to Zionist Jews, but tacitly also committed Zionist Jews in America to manipulating the “isolationist” U.S. population into enthusiastically joining the Great War against Germany. A central role in this mass brain-washing in favor of Jewish war objectives was the Jew Edward Bernays.

The Federal Reserve Central Bank Courtesy of Jewish Bankers

As we have seen, Brandeis was an advocate for the creation of the Federal Reserve private central bank which Wilson signed into law on December 23, 1913. It may be the single most ruinous and destructive law ever signed by any U.S. President. Many other Jews were also influential in getting Wilson to establish the Federal Reserve, as we saw in the TOO essay “Obscuring the Jewish Issue In Alt Media: Example #2—Banking Dynasties.” Of them all, Paul Warburg was the premier architect of the Federal Reserve plan.

Here we will look at the iconic work of Eustace Mullins, Secrets of the Federal Reserve to identify the Jews around Wilson who imposed this immense debt-generating scam upon the people of the U.S. First, there is indication that Wilson’s acceptance of the plan helped win him the Presidency:

Senator LaFollette remarks in his memoirs that his speech against the Money Trust later cost him the Presidency of the United States, just as Woodrow Wilson’s early support of the Aldrich Plan had brought him into consideration for that office. (p 16)

Because the American public was largely opposed to this “Money Trust,” the House established the Pujo Committee aimed at investigating the power of Wall St. bankers.

The man who single-handedly carried on these hearings [was] Samuel Untermeyer. He was one of the principal contributors to Woodrow Wilson’s Presidential campaign fund…

We’ve already seen how Untermeyer (who seems to also have been instrumental in promoting the Zionist Scofield Bible that has been influential among American Evangelicals) blackmailed a vulnerable Wilson earlier in his career.

The international banking houses of Eugene Meyer, Lazard Freres, J. & W. Seligman, Ladenburg Thalmann, Speyer Brothers, M. M. Warburg, and the Rothschild Brothers did not arouse Samuel Untermeyer’s curiosity, although it was well known in the New York financial world that all of these family banking houses either had branches or controlled subsidiary houses in Wall Street. When Jacob Schiff appeared before the Pujo Committee, Mr. Untermeyer’s adroit questioning allowed Mr. Schiff to talk for many minutes without revealing any information about the operations of the banking house of Kuhn Loeb Company, of which he was senior partner, and which Senator Robert L. Owen had identified as the representative of the European Rothschilds in the United States. (p 17)

Virtually all of these names mentioned are Jews.

Congressional testimony showed that in the firm of Kuhn Loeb Company, Felix Warburg was supporting Taft, Paul Warburg and Jacob Schiff were supporting Wilson. The result was that a Democratic Congress and a Democratic President were elected in 1912 to get the central bank legislation passed. … Col. Garrison, an agent of Brown Brothers bankers, later Brown Brothers Harriman, wrote in his book, “Paul Warburg is the man who got the Federal Reserve Act together after the Aldrich Plan aroused such nationwide resentment and opposition. The mastermind of both plans was Baron Alfred Rothschild of London.” (p 18)

(The Aldrich Plan of 1912 was named after Sen. Nelson W. Aldrich of Rhode Island. It would have established a banking cartel but did not pass. The Glass Act of 1913 eventually created the Fed.)

Not only were all of these bankers Jews, all of them—the Warburgs, Schiff, Kuhn, Loeb and Rothschild—had intermarried in various ways and were members of the same extended family (see “Obscuring the Jewish Issue…” referenced above). It cannot be doubted that they were working collectively to get their man Wilson elected.

The “unprecedented speed” with which the Federal Reserve Act had been passed by Congress during what became known as the “Christmas massacre” had one unforeseen aspect. Woodrow Wilson was taken unawares, as he, like many others, had been assured the bill would not come up for a vote until after Christmas. Now he refused to sign it, because he objected to the provisions for the election of Class B Directors. … Bernard Baruch, a principal contributor to Wilson’s campaign fund, was stunned when he was informed that Wilson refused to sign the bill. He hurried to the White House and assured Wilson that this was a minor matter, which could be fixed up later through “administrative processes”. The important thing was to get the Federal Reserve Act signed into law at once. With this reassurance, Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act on December 23, 1913. History proved that on that day the Constitution ceased to be the governing covenant of the American people, and our liberties were handed over to a small group of international bankers. (pp 28-9)

The “international bankers” were almost all Jews. Bernard Baruch was a Jew of immense power and influence over Wilson and much else at the time. He will re-appear in our accounts of US entry into WWI.

Jews Push Wilson and Nation Into War

We refer again to the speech by Freedman to the Marine cadets:

…when Germany was winning the war, the Jews were very happy, because they didn’t want Russia to come out the winner, with France and England, because they thought it would be tougher for the Jews in Russia. So, they were all pro-German. What happened? When the Germans trotted out the submarines… General Haig, in London, warned the English, “We have less than two week’s food supply for the whole nation of 55,000,000 people.”… So, England was offered a Peace Treaty by Germany… It was on the desk of the British War Cabinet, ready to be signed…. What happened? The Khazar Jews in New York, Washington, led by Brandeis, made this promise through Fleischman & Sockloff in London. They went to the British War Cabinet and they said, “You don’t have to make peace—which is tantamount to surrender. We can show you how you can win the war, if, when you defeat Germany, and carve up the Ottoman Empire (or Turkey) you will give us Palestine. And they made that deal. It was all written [i.e., The Balfour Declaration]. … How they got the promise of Palestine, by promising to use their influence to get U.S. into the war. That’s how they are going to turn against the United States; the same way they turned against Germany; after everything Germany did for them, since 1822. They made the deal to bring the United States into the war, which meant certain defeat for Germany; which was triumphant, then; offering a peace that was tantamount to surrender.

Now, the United States got into World War I. How did they get in? They didn’t know how to get us in, because the Germans leaned backwards. They said, “We are going to do nothing on land, on the sea, or in the air, to provoke or justify a declaration of war by the United States, because we’ll be licked! Now, we’ve won the war!” Which they had. The Russian armies were in retreat; in France, the army had revolted, and wouldn’t fight. There was no more fight left in the allies. So, what happened? They couldn’t get us in if the Germans didn’t give us provocation or justification. So, what did they do? …A message was sent to Washington, that the S.S. Sussex, a ferry from Dover to Calais, had been torpedoed in the Channel and 38 Americans lost their lives!

Congress declared war against Germany… they came out with the secret that the Sussex was not sunk and no Americans lives were lost. And we were in the war! Now that is how the Jews got us into World War I, and that started everything because Wilson was elected.

Researcher and revisionist Thomas Dalton Ph.D provides a good account. Wilson ran on a campaign slogan of “He kept us out of war.” Little more than a month into his second term, on April 2, 1917, Wilson famously and stridently called on Congress to join the war with a formal Declaration. Only a few days later, both houses of Congress voted overwhelmingly to declare war. Only a few in Congress opposed the vote. One was George Norris (R-Neb.), who later said “We are going into war upon the command of gold.” This gold was owned by the Jewish bankers on Wall Street, and they wanted more through war.

Jewish “Financier” and “Statesman” Bernard Baruch

One of the Jews Freedman was discussing was Bernard Baruch. This Jewish “financier” raked in a fortune gaming the New York Stock Exchange. By 1916 Wilson appointed Baruch to the Advisory Commission to the Council of National Defense. When the US entered World War I as we’ve seen, Wilson appointed Baruch chairman of the War Industries Board. Anthony Sutton writes:

By March 1918 President Wilson acting without Congressional authority, had endowed Baruch with more power than any other individual had been granted in the history of the United States. The War Industries Board, with Baruch as its chairman, became responsible for building all factories and for the supply of all raw material, all products, and all transportation, and all its final decisions rested with chairman Bernard Baruch. In brief, Baruch became economic dictator of the United States…

In almost 180 pages including appendices, Sutton uses the word “Jew” not once. This essay is not intended as another entry in the “Obscuring the Jewish Issue…” series, so we will turn to other sources. Jewish Virtual Library includes Baruch among its “Jewish Heroes & Heroines of America: 150 True Stories of American Jewish Heroism” series. Wikipedia of course in its “Early Life” section is unequivocal, and places Baruch’s entry among “American people of German-Jewish descent,” “Jewish American philanthropists,” and “Jewish American government officials” categories. This Jewish “hero” and “philanthropist” influenced Wilson to sign the devastating Federal Reserve Act when Wilson was reluctant, and further influenced Wilson to push the US into the ruinous World War I when the war could have ended amicably. Baruch got Wilson to appoint him to the most powerful position in the nation, Chairman of the War Industries Board, where he could funnel money to his Jewish banker and industrialist cronies.

Henry Ford’s The International Jew (TIJ) noted

the large degree of Jewish influence on Woodrow Wilson: “They formed a solid ring around him.” Commenting on the special access to Wilson held by the Jewish journalist David Lawrence, TIJ states, “There was a time when he communicated to the country through no one but a Jew” (12/04/1920). TIJ provides examples of Jews who were involved in corruption during W.W.I, attributing the crimes to the immense power of Jewish financier Bernard Baruch who controlled the War Industries Board.


The size of this essay already precludes an examination of the Jews who accompanied Wilson to the Treaty of Versailles and Paris Peace Conference events following WWI. That deserves an essay all its own, since the outcome was the establishment of the League of Nations leading to the United Nations, and a set up for World War II with all its enormous devastation, leading to the creation of the nation of Israel, with its attendant world horrors. Here we must conclude from our historical sources that Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the Unites States 1913–21, was under the control of powerful Jews through blackmail, indebtedness, intimidation, bribery, egotistic appeals and ideological subversion. Wilson had significant health challenges especially during his Presidency as we saw in his letters to Mary Peck, and Jews exploited his weaknesses to use him as a pawn in their international schemes of power and money.

We will close with a quote from Wilson in his book of speeches The New Freedom published in 1913:

Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.

And if they are compromised by blackmail, susceptible to bribery for money and position, weak against ideological and racial intimidation, and in debt, they had better not say it is Jewish power. For our solvency and survival against this “power somewhere,” it is better that we do speak in condemnation of it.


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