Jewish Communism at work: Spain: Torture & Death of: Sr. Josefina Sauleda Paulis (1885-1936) – My Comments
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I interview Pastor Francis J. Smith, a Christian Pastor who knew the late George Lincoln Rockwell. I regard this as a very important interview because this 95 year old man told me about personal experiences and observations of the late George Lincoln Rockwell.
[This is just one story out of hundreds. The filthy communists in Spain murdered large numbers of Christians, including nuns. In this instance this nun was later turned into a Saint. But she was dreadfully tortured to death through the night. Welcome to JEWISH COMMUNISM! Jan]
Sr. Josefina Sauleda Paulis (1885-1936), baptized with the name of Buenaventura, whose family came from San Pol de Mar (Barcelona, Spain). The Sauleda Paulis family was deeply Christian and equally deeply Catalan.
The family was of a high social position and Buenaventura’s father was the owner of a textile factory. The couple had twelve children, and our protagonist was the tenth. The small "Ventureta", as she was familiarly known, received a serious Christian formation, which she completed with a humanistic education corresponding to her social status, according to the custom of the time. She attended the school of the Dominican Sisters of the Annunciation of the town, also receiving a training in music.
When choosing a state, she opted for religious life, although she was undecided whether to dedicate herself to active life in an institution dedicated to works of charity, for which she had exceptional qualities, or to consecrate herself to the contemplative life in enclosure, which represents another dimension of the sublime virtue of charity. After deep reflection in a few days of spiritual retreat, duly advised, she decided to apply for admission to the Monastery of Our Lady of Monte Sion, of the Dominican Order, where years before her elder sister Mercedes had made profession.
On January 19, 1905, the young Buenaventura Sauleda crossed the cloister door of the Monastery, from which she would only leave to go to martyrdom. She was 24 years old. On reception of the Dominican habit she took the name of Sr. Josefina.
Sr. Josefina was a woman of spirit and strong character, efficient and kind, of a well-defined spirituality, warmly human and perfumed by fraternal love; she was an instrument of peace and coexistence in the internal life of the monastery. Prioress for two consecutive 3-year terms, in 1935 she was named Novice Mistress. She did not lack occasions to demonstrate and perfect her personal qualities. But where she gave the definitive note of her life and religious personality was during the religious persecution of 1936. Her firmness before martyrdom impressed her persecutors. Mother Sauleda left her mark.
On July 21 the Monastery was assaulted and the church burned down. The nuns had to see from the outside as the flames devoured the alters and works of art of the church, leaving only the walls burned, while uncontrolled masses were ripping the inside of the convent building.
They had to get used to the idea that there was no point in thinking about going back, therefore it was essential, and with a sense of urgency, to find suitable accommodation for all the nuns. The Prioress, elderly and disoriented at what she had had to do, was not the most appropriate person to carry out the necessary steps and place all the nuns in places suitable for them, in those dramatic and dangerous circumstances. The responsibility fell on Sr. Josefina. For the nuns who had family in the city and nearby towns, there was no problem. But there remained the little group of novices, of nuns from outside Barcelona, along with the old and sick or disabled. Only God knows what steps she had to take, and what she had to do without financial means. Even knowing that she was known and persecuted, she did not flinch. She endured contempt and scorn, seeing how the doors were closed, because her presence would compromise those who would give her and her and the other sisters shelter. Undaunted and sure of God’s help, she did not stop until she managed to put the nuns in a safe place. Charity and self-denial had given the highest note.Only when she finished finding shelter for the entire Community could think about going to her relatives who were waiting for her in San Pol de Mar. She was then denounced and arrested. It was August 31, 1936.
A new ordeal began that lasted half a day, based on constant interrogations with no more help than a glass of water, but which she endured with a stoicism that only a charity without limits can propitiate. She did not reveal any secrets and nobody was harmed. At night they took her away, and in the early hours of September 1st her body was found, her face disfigured, but she could be identified and picked up by her relatives. For history it is a mystery what Sister Josefina Sauleda suffered that night. We know that only words of forgiveness came from her. She said on other occasions that she would consider her soul happy if she deserved the palm of martyrdom. The Lord had it ready for her. Sr. Josefina Sauleda received the martyr’s crown, and the Church ratified it.
She was beatified in Rome on October 28, 2007, the first contemplative Dominican nun of Spain. Together with her, was beatified 74 martyrs, members of the Dominican Family, within the group of 498 twentieth-century martyrs in Spain, beatified on the same day.
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