Jewish Bolshevik USSR: The Russians/Bolsheviks decided in 1928 that Blacks would rule S.Africa
Anti-White Jews: 600-plus Jewish groups sign full-page ad supporting Black Lives Matter
More than 600 Jewish groups signed a full-page New York Times ad in support of the Black Lives Matter movement.
Just a little bit of quick history:
The Russians/Bolsheviks set out to turn all non-Whites on the planet against the European Empires. They were doing this in the 1920s. In 1928, Stalin, I think, gave the WHITE COMMUNISTS in South Africa orders to turn South Africa into a "Black Communist Republic". The White Communists did NOT like the idea and went to Russia to try to change that, but the Russians would have none of it. Communists in South Africa in the 1920s were all WHITE! And the Russians told them to work towards creating a Black Communist Republic. And now, 100 years later, that’s what we have. The ANC ruling Party of Nelson Mandela is a Communist Organization and is linked to the South African Communist Party. The Russians are the ones who decided this in 1928.
For the Record: The Whites under Apartheid, threw the Russians out of South Africa in the 1950s because the Russians were stirring up the Blacks against us.
Video & Audio: TOP SECRET: WW2s Biggest Tank Battle they never talk about
This was one of my 3 viral videos on Youtube before they quickly killed it. The original video was made in 2016. Look in every history reference book for the biggest Tank Battle that was ever fought and youll find they talk about the Battle of Kursk (or the Kursk Campaign). Heres the greatest tank battle in all of history and the fantastic Wehrmacht won it with ease, even when they faced tanks so new and so advanced that they had never seen these types of tanks before and even when their shells just bounced off the Soviet armour!