Jew Shock: When Whites say: Our People are so stupid… and they want to give up on Whites…


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Video: What Adolf Hitler said about the Boers
I decided to look in Adolf Hitlers Mein Kampf (My Struggle) to see what he said about the Boers. Few know of his obsession with the Boers when he was a young man. In Mein Kampf I found many references which indicated that Hitler had a knowledge even of the black tribes that live in South Africa.

[This is from an email I wrote to someone in Germany who was saying that Whites are totally stupid and the person was clearly losing faith in our own people. Jan]

I wrote:
You say our people are stupid. I have another video after that, a much shorter one about how Jews manipulate us as a civilisation. I took music over the decades as an example.

Don’t lose faith in our race or nations. To me, I see the Jew as a parasite that has an incredibly close and totally dangerous relationship with us.

It’s incredibly scary what they can do – but it’s because they know the buttons to press AND they now have POWER and the White Right is the most beaten up group and we LACK POWER. If we had even a tiny amount of power we’d smack them 6 ways to Sunday.

For all our people the issue is that ALL the things that are necessary are coming unstuck and they don’t have anything to relate to. I did a video, a very long time ago called: "Jew Shock went Whites go Wonky". And that’s what’s happening more and more.

Whites are going WONKY. They lose all faith in everything and they struggle to regain faith and knowledge in what is real and what isn’t.

The Jews laugh at us, but rest assured, in the fullness of time, when Whites regain their composure …. The Jews still don’t grasp the fury and rage that will come.

The White Right has the truth, but we are bludgeoned from every side and we lack the POWER over our people to guide them. So it’s extremely frustrating.

But TRUTH is on our side.

I think constantly about how we can turn the tide and how the White Right can grow much faster and get control of enough Whites so that we have the POWER to begin making changes. It’s a weird war, but it works this way because the PARASITES (JEWS) are OUT OF CONTROL. They’ve been at this too long AND WE LEFT THEM ALONE AND THEY IMPROVED AND IMPROVED. NOW WE ARE REALLY STRUGGLING.

But we’re far from finished. This is just a very weird kind of WAR that we’re not used to. But the Jews are not invincible.

This is very stressful mentally. But don’t lose faith in our race. I am LOVING for example the insane losses that bud light and other companies are taking now that American conservatives are boycotting them. I’ve never seen anything like it. The Chaos, Wonkiness and assorted madness will get wilder… But that’s what we’re looking for.


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Video: Weird Evolution: Blacks with Ostrich Feet: THE VADOMA TRIBE FOUND IN NORTHERN ZIMBABWE KNOWN
These Blacks have the weirdest, creepiest feet. This is in former Rhodesia.

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