Jew Mark Steyn Lies As Naturally As He Breathes: A Master-Class in Mendacity on behalf of Zionism and the ADL
White Shop: Ersatzkommando Waffen SS Poster in a nice Frame The only one I ever sold!
I can‘t sell this any more, but this is the story of the one and only sale I ever made of this awesome poster!
[Yet another example of a lying Jew. To them, lying is as natural as breathing. Jan]
Mark Steyn is a highly intelligent man and an excellent, erudite writer. I admire (and envy) his ability to write so much so fast and so entertainingly. Unfortunately, Steyn is also a liar and fraud. And I can prove that very easily.
Mark Steyn, the Pied Piper of Zionism (“porky pie” is Cockney rhyming slang for “lie”)
Here goes. As Kevin MacDonald set out in two recent articles at the Occidental Observer, the Fox broadcaster Tucker Carlson has recently tangled with the rabidly anti-White, ruthlessly pro-Zionist liars and censors at the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). And Carlson doesn’t seem to have come off worse. The dispute began after he correctly said that the Democratic Party in America wants to import a new Democrat-voting electorate of non-Whites and “dilute the political power of current registered voters.”
Steyn knows whereof he speaks
The repulsive Jonathan Greenblatt, Inquisitor-General of the ADL, immediately condemned Carlson for supporting “replacement theory,” a “white supremacist tenet” that “is antisemitic, racist and toxic.” He said: “Tucker must go.” But Carlson didn’t go. Instead, he struck back at the ADL, pointing out that the organization opposes population-replacement in firmly Jewish Israel even as it supports population-replacement in ever-less White America. Mark Steyn discussed the dispute in an article imposingly titled “The Perversion of Public Discourse.” When Steyn talks about perverted discourse, you should listen, because he knows whereof he speaks. Indeed, he can’t avoid knowing about perverted discourse, because he practises it so often himself.
Jonathan Greenblatt, Inquisitor-General of the ADL
Steyn’s priority is to serve Jewish interests, not the truth. He doesn’t want his goyish fans to recognize the truth about Carlson’s dispute with the ADL, because the ADL’s attack on Carlson was a blatant example of anti-White activism by a strongly ethnocentric Jewish organization. Accordingly, Steyn assumed his well-practised role as the Pied Piper of Zionism and begun piping a seductive tune of falsehoods. He wanted to pretend, first, that Jonathan Greenblatt is a typical leftist, rather than a typical ethnocentric Jew; and second, that the ADL is corrupt in typically leftist fashion, rather than typically Zionist fashion.
Big bad goyim corrupting Jewish rubes
As I’m sure Steyn himself won’t need telling, two trusty weapons in the armoury of the perverted discourser are suppressio veri and suggestio falsi. In the first, you mislead by suppressing what is true; in the second, you mislead by suggesting what is false. Steyn used both in his article. Here he is skilfully wielding suggestio falsi: “Jonathan Greenblatt, the Obama hack who now runs the Anti-Defamation League, demanded that Fox fire Tucker.” Steyn is falsely suggesting, first, that Greenblatt is an essentially minor figure corrupted through his association with the big bad goy Barack Obama; and second, that Greenblatt has in his turn corrupted the formerly pure ADL.
In reality, Obama was a minor figure corrupted by Jews who shared Greenblatt’s ethnocentrism, as you can see in this very interesting mainstream article from 2008 about the “Chicago circle” of Jews who “nurtured [Obama] all the way to the top”:
Writer Toni Morrison famously dubbed Bill Clinton “the first black president” – a title he fervently embraced. Abner Mikva, the Chicago Democratic Party stalwart and former Clinton White House counsel, offers a variation on that theme. “If Clinton was our first black president, then Barack Obama is our first Jewish president,” says Mikva, who was among the first to spot the potential of the skinny young law school graduate with the odd name.
“I use a Yiddish expression, yiddishe neshuma, to describe him,” explains Mikva. “It means a Jewish soul. It’s an expression my mother used. It means a sensitive, sympathetic personality, someone who understands where you are coming from.” …
Abner Mikva: The Mensch who managed Obama
Obama’s circle of Jewish patrons and advisers widened further in 1992 when he became involved in a voter registration drive that brought him into contact with Bettylu Saltzman, a liberal activist (and daughter of the late Philip Klutznick, a former commerce secretary and shopping mall developer). Saltzman says she knew from the moment she met Obama that he would someday be president. … “As Jews got to know him, they recognized a kindred spirit, not someone who came down from Mars,” Mikva said. Rabbi Arnold Wolf, of KAM Isaiah Israel synagogue across the street from Obama’s Chicago home, was another early backer. Like Mikva, he sees what he called Obama’s “Jewish side.” … (Barack Obama: The first Jewish president? Chicago circle nurtured him all the way to the top, The Chicago Tribune, 12th December 2008)
Mikva was also one of the powerful Jews—others include Sean Wilentz, Elizabeth Holtzman, Ted Weiss, Geoff Stone, and Larry Summers—who greased the rather undistinguished (i.e., very few publications from an elite academic) Elena Kagan’s path to the Supreme Court—a classic case of how Jewish ethnic networking operates.
Barack Obama, like Tony Blair in Britain, was a narcissistic shabbos-goy of mediocre intellect who worked assiduously for the Jews who funded his rise to power and ensured him friendly coverage in the media. It is not honest of Mark Steyn to call Jonathan Greenblatt an “Obama hack” or to say that “Greenblatt is a humbug” for opposing population-replacement in Israel while supporting it in America. By using the weak and inaccurate term “humbug” rather than the strong and accurate term “hypocrite,” Steyn is trying to suggest that Greenblatt isn’t sincere about protecting Israel’s Jews from replacement. But he is sincere – very sincere. Greenblatt applies a typical Jewish double-standard. Or rather, he applies a single standard of “What’s best for Jews?” Mass immigration into Israel would harm Jewish interests, therefore Greenblatt opposes it. Mass immigration into America harms White interests, therefore he supports it.
The ADL’s mission is a mystery
But Steyn was even less honest later in his article. Lachlan Murdoch of Fox had stood by Carlson but assured Greenblatt that “Fox Corporation shares your values and abhors anti-semitism, white supremacy and racism of any kind” and therefore continued to “support your mission.” Steyn commented thus:
As for “supporting your mission”, I have no idea what the ADL’s “mission” is these days: They’re either rubes or just the usual American “activist” grifter racket. But at any rate they had no difficulty giving a genuine Jew-hater, Ilhan Omar, the full hagiographic tongue-bath in an ADL book of “inspiring stories”. If you’re interested in committing immigration fraud, Ms Omar’s story is certainly inspiring – because it doesn’t get more all-in than being willing to marry your brother.” (The Perversion of Public Discourse, 13th April 2021)
There you have it: the highly intelligent and astute Mark Steyn claims: “I have no idea what the ADL’s ‘mission’ is these days.” He’s lying, because he knows perfectly well that the ADL’s “mission” remains what it has always been: to promote Jewish interests and harm White and Christian interests. It’s not as though the ADL has ever made any secret of its support for everything that harms Whites and undermines America’s status as a White Christian nation. Steyn is dishonest to use the term “rubes” of the ruthless, effective and very wealthy ADL. He’s also dishonest to suggest that the ADL might be a “usual American ‘activist’ grifter racket.” In fact, it’s a specifically Jewish “‘activist’ grifter racket.”
Muslims don’t threaten Jewish power
And note Steyn’s use of the phrase “these days.” In the past, he knew what the ADL’s mission was; today, oy, who can say? Again, he’s dishonestly suggesting that the ADL has strayed sadly from its original pure path, corrupted by powerful non-Jewish folk like Barack Obama. This simply isn’t true: the ADL was corrupt right from its inception in 1913, when it used undeniably dishonest and anti-Black means to defend a probably guilty Jew called Leo Frank, who had been accused of raping and murdering a 13-year-old shiksa called Mary Phagan (for further discussion, see Ron Unz’s excellent “American Pravda: the ADL in American Society”).
And what of the ADL’s support for the Somali Muslim Ilhan Omar? Steyn knows very well that the ADL supports Omar because she is anti-White and anti-Christian. She appeared in that “ADL book of ‘inspiring stories’” as a celebration of everything that is bad for traditional America and the Christian Whites who built it. The ADL doesn’t see unintelligent, incompetent and criminally inclined Somali Muslims as a threat to Jewish power, but as an excellent way to further atomize formerly cohesive White nations. Indeed, Muslim misbehaviour strengthens Jewish power by justifying an ever-stronger security and surveillance state. That’s why the Jewish immigration minister Barbara Roche enriched Britain with 200,000 Somalis and counting: “Since most were untrained and would be dependent on welfare, the Home Office could have refused them entry. But they were granted ‘exceptional leave to remain [by Roche]’.”
No, Greenblatt will never abandon Zionism
Steyn is well aware of ethnocentric, anti-White Jews like Roche and their often-repeated claim that “Jews and Muslims are natural allies.” As I’ve said, Steyn serves Jewish interests rather than the truth, so he deliberately lies about why the ADL supports non-Whites like Omar Ilhan. However, Steyn saved his best dishonesty till the end of his article, when he produced this positively pyrotechnic porky:
I wouldn’t be surprised to see the likes of Greenblatt abandon Zionism as a practical matter in the years ahead. His contemptible predecessor certainly had no difficulty abandoning the remnants of Europe’s Jewish community, as I wrote a few years back in “Hath Not a Jew, Eyes?” – after Abe Foxman blamed the Continent’s new Jew-hate on “neo-Nazis” and “neo-Fascists”. … As Laura Rosen Cohen writes of this contemptible nothing of a man: ‘Shame on you, Abraham Foxman. Shame on you. These Jews are a danger to the Jewish people… It’s so cozy to be a professional Jew, fighting the ghosts of WW2 over and over and never facing the real threats to the Jewish people.’ (The Perversion of Public Discourse, 13th April 2021)
Steyn knows very well that “the likes of Greenblatt” will never abandon Zionism, because Zionism is absolutely central to their identity as strongly ethnocentric Jews. Steyn and the similarly dishonest Laura Rosen Cohen also know that Abe Foxman was not a “contemptible nothing of a man,” but a very powerful Jewish activist with a perfectly coherent and well-applied anti-White agenda—the same agenda as Greenblatt. Foxman sought to blame Muslim “Jew-hate” on Whites not because he was mistakenly fighting old battles, but because he was (and is) anti-White and anti-Christian. Foxman and other Zionists don’t fear incompetent and unintelligent Muslims. Rather, they fear the competent and intelligent Whites who have, down the centuries, so often recognized Jewish misbehaviour and expelled Jews from their territory.
That’s why the hostile Jewish elite and its treasonous gentile collaborators have imposed Muslim immigration on unwilling White nations. By atomizing the West, they seek to reduce the chances of a collective White response to Jewish misbehaviour. That’s also why members of the hostile Jewish elite have so often announced that “Muslims and Jews are natural allies.” Against whom? Against bigoted White Christians, of course. Mark Steyn collaborates with that anti-White campaign. After all, who is he addressing in dishonest articles like “The Perversion of Public Discourse”? His large audience of far-too-trusting goyim, that’s who. He’s piping a seductive tune of Greenblatt as an “Obama hack,” Foxman as a “contemptible nothing,” and the ADL as a formerly decent organization corrupted by gentile leftism.
Liar, liar, pants on fire
He doesn’t want his goyish readers to recognize the truth about Carlson’s dispute with the ADL. The truth is that the ADL is a strongly ethnocentric Jewish organization that hates Whites and seeks to suppress any expression of support for White interests. And Steyn is happy to lie and lead his readers away from the truth about the ADL. In effect, he’s defending Greenblatt and Foxman even as he pretends to criticize them.
I conclude, therefore, that Steyn is a liar and his metaphorical pants are most definitely on fire. If he happens to read this article and wants to disagree, I invite him to take on a simple bet. Let’s give “the likes” of “Greenblatt” five years to “abandon Zionism as a practical matter.” If they don’t do so, Steyn’s forfeit will be to re-publish at his website Larry Auster’s excellent and incisive critiques of his dishonesty and trickery. If, on the other hand, the likes of Greenblatt do indeed abandon Zionism, my forfeit will be to do whatever Steyn thinks suitably chastening for a contemptible nothing of an anti-Semite like me. But I’m sure Steyn will decline the bet. He knows the truth as well as I do.
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