Jew Kissinger: Exposing the Global Population Control Agenda – My Comments


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2008 Report: Russian Generals Analysis of a Future (Terrible) South African Civil War
This is an article an awesome American supporter, JoAn Wilcox found on a Russian website in 2008 and she translated it into English. This was a Russian General‘s assessment of SA. He was not impressed with the Blacks.

[I don't mind population control at all, especially in Africa. As long as Whites are not the ones being wiped out. Jan]

The Genesis of U.S. Government Population Control

The United States National Security Council is the highest decision-making body regarding foreign policy in the United States. On December 10, 1974, it completed a top-secret document entitled National Security Study Memorandum or NSSM-200, also called The Kissinger Report, since Henry Kissinger was Secretary of State at the time it was written.

Henry Kissinger

The subject of NSSM-200 is “Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests.” This document, published shortly after the first major international population conference in Bucharest, was the result of collaboration among the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and the Departments of State, Defense and Agriculture.

NSSM-200 was made public when it was declassified and was transferred to the U.S. National Archives in 1990.

Although the United States government has issued hundreds of policy papers dealing with various aspects of American national security since 1974, The Kissinger Report continues to be the foundational document on U.S. government population control. It therefore continues to represent official United States policy on government population control and, in fact, is still posted on the USAID website.

NSSM-200 is critically important to pro-life workers all over the world, because it completely exposes the unsavory and unethical motivations and methods of the population control movement. We can use this valuable document to lay bare the strategies used by unscrupulous governments and “aid” agencies that are used to bend developing nations to their wills. Their rote denials will be useless in the face of this evidence.
The Purpose of The Kissinger Report (NSSM-200)

The primary purpose of U.S. government population control efforts is to maintain access to the mineral resources of less-developed countries, or LDCs.

The Kissinger Report states:

The U.S. economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries. That fact gives the U.S. enhanced interest in the political, economic, and social stability of the supplying countries. Wherever a lessening of population pressures through reduced birth rates can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant to resource supplies and to the economic interests of the United States.

In order to protect U.S. commercial interests, NSSM-200 cited a number of factors that could interrupt the smooth flow of materials from LDCs to the United States, including a large population of anti-imperialist youth whose numbers must be limited by population control. The document identified 13 nations by name that would be the primary targets of U.S. government population control efforts.

Under the heading “Concentration on key countries” we find:

Assistance for population moderation should give primary emphasis to the largest and fastest growing developing countries where there is special U.S. political and strategic interest. Those countries are: India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Mexico, Indonesia, Brazil, the Philippines, Thailand, Egypt, Turkey, Ethiopia and Columbia [sic].… At the same time, the U.S. will look to the multilateral agencies, especially the U.N. Fund for Population Activities which already has projects in over 80 countries to increase population assistance on a broader basis with increased U.S. contributions. This is desirable in terms of U.S. interests and necessary in political terms in the United Nations. [emphasis added]

Countries targeted by NSSM-200

According to The Kissinger Report, elements of the implementation of government population control programs could include the legalization of abortion, financial incentives for countries to increase their abortion, sterilization and contraception-use rates, indoctrination of children, and mandatory population control and coercion of other forms, such as withholding disaster and food aid unless an LDC implements population control programs.

This last strategy — force and coercion applied to developing countries — is currently used by the population control cartel to push not only abortion, sterilization and birth control, but other evils such as homosexuality and transgenderism.

There are dozens of examples of this kind of blatant injustice, including the following:

When Nigeria refused to legalize contraception and homosexuality, the United States withdrew financial and military aid that would allow it to combat the Islamic terror group Boko Harem, which has murdered and kidnapped tens of thousands of people in that nation.1
When Ecuador declined to legalize abortion, the United Nations refused to provide any aid for it to battle COVID-19, condemning many more Ecuadorians to death.2
When Kenyan pro-lifers collected irrefutable evidence that Marie Stopes International (MSI), one of the largest abortionists in the world, were committing illegal and dangerous abortions on a vast scale, MSI demanded that they be either muzzled or jailed.3
The United Nations Population Fund halted food and other aid to millions of starving Yemenis because the nation refused to legalize abortion.4
When Zambia refused to legalize sodomy, the United States withdrew much-need foreign aid to help alleviate the 11% national HIV infection rate and to care for 250,000 AIDS orphans.5
The Joint United Nations Program on AIDS [UNAIDS] threatened to withdraw all of its aid from the Caribbean island of St. Lucia unless it approved language supporting abortion and homosexuality in a political declaration on HIV/AIDS.6

The powerful population control cartel does not engage in charity at all — instead, it freely employs thuggery and bullying to enforce its will.

The Kissinger Report also specifically declared that the United States must cover up its population control activities and avoid charges of imperialism by inducing the United Nations and various non-governmental organizations — specifically the Pathfinder Fund, the International Planned Parenthood Foundation (IPPF) and the Population Council — to do its dirty work.

Dr. Alan Guttmacher, one of the most knowledgeable and active population suppression experts of all time, described this strategy:

My own feeling is that we’ve got to pull out all the stops and involve the United Nations…. If you’re going to curb population, it’s extremely important not to have it done by the “damned Yankee,” but by the UN. Because the thing is, then it’s not considered genocide. If the United States goes to the black man or the yellow man and says “slow down your reproductive rate,” we’re immediately suspected of having ulterior motives to keep the white man dominant in the world. If you can send in a colorful UN force, you’ve got much better leverage.


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Get a Free PDF Book: The Naked Communist (1958)
This is a classic book. Cleon Skousen worked for the FBI. At a point in his life he began following the trail of communism in America. To his utter horror, he discovered that it led to businessmen and the wealthy.

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