Jew Harvey Weinstein serial rapist of White Women urges ANTI-WHITE actions by Jews!
Video: Zimbabwe: Goblins are attacking Blacks and forcing schools to close
Here‘s a White guy in Scotland who is realising the insanity that can happen in Africa. He can‘t believe what he is reading and it is in the mass media.
[I see that the Jewish scum Harvey Weinstein is valued at $255 million. So this Jewish scumbag from Hollywood is worth a lot of money. But he goes on to urge his fellow Jews to “kick the ass of anti-semites” – which I infer will MOSTLY be WHITE PEOPLE. Here are some memes and links regarding this Jewish piece of scum. It seems he was abusing white women a lot. In that sense he’s like a black in Africa. In Africa when a black man is in charge of people, he regards it as a RIGHT that he can have SEX with any of the women who report to him. So in that sense the Jews are like black. Notice in the tweets below how the Jews engage in teamwork and how one Jew tries to make excuses for Weinstein and then another Jew calls the article “Brilliant”. That’s how Jews mess with people’s heads. These are just Jews working together trying to lie to people and trying to see white LIE people will accept!! Jan]
The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today by Elizabeth Dilling
This American Christian woman exposed the Jews massively in this book in 1963. Later versions of the book had chunks removed regarding the evil Jewish Talmud. She detested communism and was pro-Axis during WW2. She was a heroine.