Jan‘s Videos about Hitler
Here is a list of most (but not all) of my videos about Hitler...
I’m writing this as at 2024-11-27. The war in Ukraine has been intensifying. It is winter now and war in that climate in winter is NO JOKE. Soldiers can easily lose fingers, toes and limbs and even die from the cold. WAR IN THAT CLIMATE IS NO JOKE. IT IS NOT THE KIND OF PUSSYFIED WAR WE WHITES HAVE EXPERIENCED IN AFRICA. The climate alone can cause you to lose limbs and to be killed. Putin’s losses have been going through the roof. The Ukrainians keep their losses a total secret. We don’t know what their losses are. If the Russian losses are going up then so must the Ukrainian losses. However, because the Ukrainians are playing a defensive game, it gives them the edge and the ratio of deaths for the Russians should be higher since they are attacking.
In the 1st year of the war, Putin was losing 200 troops a day. This year, each month has resulted in more and more deaths and the intensity remains high and might even go higher. Putin has averaged 1,500 losses of men per day for a whole month. On individual days, the losses may be as high as 1,700+.
This experiment, started in August has gone very well, far better than expected. They say the Ukrainians have lost 45% of the territory they captured. To me it looks like they’ve lost 55%. But they still have a chunk of Russian territory, and the Russians have at least 62,000 troops (12,000 Koreans), fighting there. Remember, the Ukrainians went in with 15,000 troops. So chances are you have 15,000 or 20,000 Ukrainians doing a fighting retreat as I said. Their ability to divert troops has definitely worked. Kursk has now itself become an important front.
When I look at what is happening, I think the Ukrainians have been on the edge of breaking. I think, despite all the Ukrainian efforts, that Russia was going to overwhelm them. In war, the term, coined by Von Clausewitz is "culmination point". That the Russians were throwing in everything they have, which is the right thing to do, and they were going to break the Ukrainians for once and for all. I do not doubt that the Ukrainians are themselves very creative, but I think they were going to BREAK and were going to start losing serious chunks of territory. Putin can’t keep this pressure up forever, but all he needs is for Ukraine to begin collapsing, and then he’s going to start winning. The Ukrainian morale and state could begin collapsing.
I think that the Ukrainians along with US Generals, realised that Ukraine is going to lose. I think that is why Biden chose to allow ATACMS. Biden is really not a friend of Ukraine. He’s deliberately delivered weapons slowly. I think these long range weapons were allowed because this is the SIMPLE ANSWER TO HOLDING BACK THE RUSSIANS. By having long range weapons for example, the Russian airforce was forced back about 200 miles. This presents many problems for the Russians and seriously reduces the power of their airforce, which is still dominant, on the battle field. I think Biden only gave the Green Light to Ukraine because Ukraine was on the edge of crumbling and if they left it, Ukraine would have collapsed.
I think that there is other help Ukraine must be getting quietly, behind the scenes that nobody knows about. It might be small things in 1001 different ways. I think the British, especially, and the Europeans may be doing many things quietly behind the scenes to also help the Ukrainians and to help them to become more self sufficient.
The West does not want Ukraine to collapse. They also don’t seem to want Ukraine to win easily and massively either. They could have helped Ukraine to really win earlier on, but they gave too little too late. What they DON’T WANT is for Ukraine to COLLAPSE. A collapse of Ukraine brings many new problems, especially to Europe. Russia is not going to be allowed to win.
This winter is going to be a brutal winter, a winter like the German Army had at the gates of Moscow. Many men will die or lose fingers, toes and limbs. It’s like waging a war in hell.
The Russians have had massive losses in this war. For the Russians, this war has been no joke. Russia has taken enormous losses in all types of weaponry. They have lost enormous stockpiles of weapons. They will run out of tanks, even old tanks, in about a year or so. This war has BLED RUSSIA IN A BIG WAY and that is what America especially has wanted.
It will be interesting to see how Trump handles this. But be aware, America plays another game, and despite America bleeding Russia, America does not want to see Russian openly destroyed. The West is cunning in it’s own way. It might not want to see Russia actually destroyed. The West does long term thinking and the collapse of Russia for example, might open up Chinese or other powers into Asia, which America and Britain won’t like. We don’t know the long term thinking of America and Britain who are the most avid globalists. I don’t think the Europeans are that globalist. They’re more worried about Russia on their doorstep. Nobody wants to go back to the WARSAW PACT, the horror of a few decades ago when Russia controlled half of Europe. NOBODY IN THE WEST WANTS THAT. RUSSIA MUST AND WILL BE KEPT AT A DISTANCE.
This war is nothing more than a rerun of the Crimean War of the 1850s when Britain, France and Austria-Hungary, kept the Russians away from Europe. The Whites in Finland and Poland and Baltic Countries have been ruled by Russia and they don’t want to be ruled by Russia again. I agree. KEEP RUSSIA OUT OF EUROPE.
Video: Hitlers Elite: The Laws of the SS Order
We study the first translation of a NATIONAL SOCIALIST book on the laws of the SS order. We discover the wonderful values these People were taught. This is nothing at all like the lies the Liberals and others have told us about the NATIONAL SOCIALISTs.