Is there a Jewish Question regarding Alex Linder?
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[Someone on the Social Media, a good man, asked me about the Jewish Question about Alex Linder. This was my reply. Jan]
@WhiteMansBible You ask about the Jewish Question regarding Alex Linder. I actually looked into this matter several years ago when I began making videos. I did an entire video about Alex Linder before I knew him. My video is somewhere on my site and I can’t find it now. There are a lot of my older videos that I need to bring to the fore. I looked at all the facts. It originally came from other Whites who did not like Alex talking about killing the Jews. From there onwards, lots of people claimed he was a Jew. I looked at what he actually said and did and explained why you can’t claim that he’s some kind of secret Jew turning the White Right upside down. I know some of his accusers and these are people who rush to judgement very quickly and have made mistakes in the past.
Since I knew Alex and have many many private discussions with him, I state EXTREMELY FIRMLY – there is NOTHING JEWISH ABOUT ALEX. I know a lot about him and had many discussions with him. There is zero indication whatsoever that he’s Jewish. I know about his family tree too.
Alex is a Hitler-loving, NAZI-loving White of German descent. I used to have Jewish friends and knew many Jews – there is ZERO Jew in Alex Linder. He’s someone on our side with a good talent at writing. He was a trained journalist.
Alex is a White Rural American. All claims about him being Jewish are false and totally baseless.
I should add, that Alex has taken many many nasty beatings for standing up to Jews and he has had some extremely nasty experiences. He’s walked the walk. People don’t know how many horrible things have happened to him as a result of his firm stance on race and Jews. He did not score anything out of it. He faced lots of hardship and nasty stuff AND HE REMAINED TRUE TO HIS VIEWS REGARDLESS.
There is a video I did with him about the FBI coming to visit him to question him about his hashtag: #TimeToKill – They came to his house and questioned him. Here’s the video:
Alex is no fool. I think he did an excellent thing about telling the FBI to their faces that White people have more than enough reason to stand up for themselves. Watch the video. I have been in court with Jews myself. I know how these things work. And I think Alex did a great thing by giving them some direct answers. It’s long overdue that Whites stood up for themselves.
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