Is the West surrounding Russia from all sides? Turkey and Japan
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Video: Guilt Tripping Canadians and Americans over First Nations and History
We also discussed the jailing of Leslie Bory in Canada after speaking about the Jews. We discussed many topics including Africa and Boers. This discussion took place on a Canadian show called: Rock the Boat.
Video: Guilt Tripping Canadians and Americans over First Nations and History
We also discussed the jailing of Leslie Bory in Canada after speaking about the Jews. We discussed many topics including Africa and Boers. This discussion took place on a Canadian show called: Rock the Boat.
I see that all of a sudden Turkey is stopping Russian flights to Syria. Turkey is a NATO member.
But I also see that the Japanese seem to be raising the issue of the Kurile Islands with Russia in the last month.
I’m not sure if the Japanese are acting out of their own accord on this, or whether this is at US prompting.
So I’m not sure if the US is busy with other moves to try to bring Russia down.
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White Shop: Life Rune pendant
The Algiz Rune has been notoriously discussed as the life rune. It represents a world pillar with 3 branches upon it.
White Shop: Life Rune pendant
The Algiz Rune has been notoriously discussed as the life rune. It represents a world pillar with 3 branches upon it.