Is RACE REAL? Dr E Michael Jones & Dr Laurence Peter – Has Dr Jones has reached his level of INCOMPETANCE?


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Video & Audio: The FBI Visits Alex Linder about: #TimeToKill
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[An American I've known for a long time sent out this email to his friends and supporters and he quoted Dr Laurence Peter. He was a British guy who did some insightful writings about people. I really enjoyed some of his work. He could make you laugh while telling you a truth and he would go where nobody else goes. He is most famous for inventing The Peter Principle. The Peter Principle is that you will be promoted until you reach your level of INCOMPETANCE. The American who wrote this below is a big fan of the writings of E. Michael Jones, and I have a great respect for his work too. But this American makes the argument that when it comes to RACE, Dr Jones has finally reached his point of INCOMPETANCE. In my discussion with him in recent months, I did raise the issue of the reality of race. RACE IS TOTALLY REAL, yet I saw on that show that Dr Jones is a big RACE DENIER. He just cannot and will not accept that it is real and he works around it in so many ways. This is very sad. He told certain truths, and now he denies a critically important truth. As for the hideous Jew Ignatiev, it is terrible for Dr Jones to be on the same side as him. He was an evil, hate-filled anti-white Jew. Jan]

This is what the American wrote:

Subject: E. Michael Jones and Laurence Peter

Dr. E. Michael Jones avoids the reality of Race in Nature (primarily Caucasoid, Mongoloid, and Negroid). He equates ‘race’ with ethnicities occasionally given racial connotations, e.g. English, German, French, Polish, particularly in the past. He even cites Jews, such as Noel Ignatiev to make his case that ‘White’ (a term often used to mean Caucasoid) is a mental construct. That Race in Nature does not exist in reality.

Jones has been promoting Roman Catholic universalism as, in effect, a pseudo racial equalitarian dogma. To him, the Black African who becomes proficient in the Polish language, knowledgeable in Polish history and current events, and may also be a caring citizen of Poland, possibly through marriage to a Polish woman, is a Pole – is Polish! Only in a civic sense could such a ridiculous proposition even be wildly conjured up.

Years ago Dr. Laurence Peter advanced the theory that rising stars often advance until reaching their level of incompetence. This is known as the Peter Principle. Dr. Jones has finally made it.

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2005: S.Africa: Coffin industry booming due to AIDS
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