Is Mike Enoch of The Right Stuff (TRS) Jewish? – Audio: Is Mike Enoch admitting he is Jewish?


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[This is from a discussion I was having with people regarding TRS. I'm not really a fan of TRS, but I am trying to look for firm evidence about someone before saying that they are Jewish or half Jewish. Don't forget that Alex Jones was married to a Jewish woman and he divorced her several years ago and tried to quietly hide it. Jan]

This is the audio someone sent me, but I’m struggling to understand it clearly:

I wrote this:
I listened to this and will need to listen again. I see he was married to a Jewish woman along with all the Jewish rites. That’s like that Alex Jones. He was married to a Jewish woman too and THEN HE DIVORCED HER! I also heard that his organisation was filled with Jews. But I can’t see any proof that Mike Enoch had either a Jewish mother or Jewish father or that he was involved in Judaism when he grew up. His parents divorced but who got custody of him? Were his parents Jewish? I know some Jews HIDE the fact that their parents are Jewish. His surname sounds sort of Jewy but I can’t get anything firm. He was Libertarian and other things before becoming racial, etc. But there are genuine NAZIs in the White Right who were Liberals even before changing and they are now solid NAZIS. So while Mike Enoch does not appeal much to me, I can’t see firm proof that he is of Jewish origin or even half Jewish. If anyone has more info, I’m interested.

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