INCREDIBLE: Blacks STOP Whites from running Advertisement over Kill the Boer – My Comments
Nation Revisited
This is a website run by an excellent British man that I know who is a true racialist. He puts out good, solid content.
[This is a perfect example of how Blacks do what the hell they want. The Afrikaans organisation Afriforum wanted to run an advert that they paid for, that asks people to support them in fighting this Kill the Boer nonsense – and the Government controlled SABC (SA BroadCasting Corporation), BANNED IT!!!! This is much like 20+ years ago when I wanted to run my own radio advert for my book Government by Deception, and no radio station in South Africa would run it. I also tried to place an advert in newspapers for my book and the same thing happened. There is a video of the advert at the source link below. The advert is in Afrikaans. That advert was BANNED by the Blacks. All it asked for was R10 (which is about US 50c), to be donated to their legal costs to fight this sack of Communist racist shit, Malema. Whites in America, Canada and Europe – BE WARNED – Don't let DIVERSITY take control of your country – everything they promised you and told you is a BIG LIE! Jan]
SABC bans radio advertisement about “Kill the Boer” – AfriForum
Kallie Kriel | 28 August 2023
This is gross censorship that exposes public broadcaster’s claims that it’s impartial to ridicule, says Kallie Kriel
SABC bans AfriForum’s radio advertisement about “Kill the Boer”
27 August 2023
The SABC has banned the broadcasting of a radio advertisement wherein AfriForum asks the public to support AfriForum’s campaign against polarising statements like “Kill the Boer”. In this advertisement AfriForum indicates that the organisation will oppose polarisation in the case that will be heard in the Supreme Court of Appeals on 4 September and through projects that promotes mutual respect between different communities.
Kallie Kriel, CEO of AfriForum, describes the SABC’s ban as gross sensorship that ridicules the public broadcaster’s claims that the SABC is impartial and against divisive statements. “The SABC has now positioned themselves firmly behind Julius Malema, the EFF and this party’s divisive use of the “Kill the Boer” phrase by trying to silence those, like AfriForum, who are promoting mutual respect by opposing polarisation,” Kriel adds.
According to Kriel it is shocking that the SABC, given the broadcaster’s financial disposition, is willing to reject an income from an AfriForum advertisement just to serve their own ideological biases. “The SABC’s partiality, as shown by banning AfriForum’s advertisement, is exactly one of the reasons why so many people stopped paying their TV licenses,” says Kriel.
The SABC argued that a sub judice rule prohibits them from broadcasting an advertisement at this point because the case was not heard in the Supreme Court of Appeals yet. According to Kriel this is a miserable excuse to try to defend their sensorship, seeing that it is standard practice – even at the SABC – to refer to court cases before it takes place.
Another excuse that the SABC argues is that the EFF should have the right of reply to give their side of the case regarding the advertisement. “The SABC is underestimating the intelligence of its listeners and viewers if they think that the public will fall for an excuse that there should be a right of reply to a paid advertisement. If a bank wants to advertise on the SABC, should other banks now have the right to react to their advert?” Kriel asks.
According to AfriForum the organisation will continue to mobilise the public against the EFF’s polarisation by broadcasting the “banned” advertisement on other radio stations, despite the SABC’s sensorship. This campaign is also driven through newspaper advertisements, marketing campaigns on social media and other internet driven news institutions.
The radio advertisement that was banned by the SABC can be heard on AfriForum’s Facebook page.
Video: 1842: The first battle between Boers & the British: A Forgotten Boer War
The Battle of Congella (2326 May 1842): On 23 May 1842, British forces attempted to launch a surprise night attack on the Boer laager (encampment) at Congella.