IMPORTANT WARNING: The Jews & Elite seem to be SMASHING ALL crypto currencies


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Video: The Greatest White Wolf of the Internet Age: Viking Anders Breivik
After watching this video, I think you will understand why the Jews are working overtime in the USA to disarm white males...

Watch this space. I’ve been following this very closely for weeks now and weird shit is happening and this is NO ACCIDENT.

This is a definite campaign to DESTROY something that was being pushed, largely, by Whites.

So many things have happened, one after the other that there is no doubt in my mind that it is a CONSPIRACY. The Elite need to do this. They are playing dirty. Whites, who were playing by the rules WERE BEATING THE SYSTEM … and now the system is coming TO BEAT THEM!

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Video: Hitler: The Nightmares of an Emperor
When a man is as extremely powerful as Hitler was, he lives in a nightmare. I discuss an aspect of his character that all his enemies misrepresent in order to make him appear to be evil and demented.

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