IMPORTANT: South Africa Jew Goldstone: WikiLeaks: 2009 Goldstone report prompted U.S. to BLOCK International Criminal Court referral for alleged Israeli WAR CRIMES


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Video: A Quick Lesson: What Whites really do to Jews in Pogroms and Holocausts
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[Goldstone is a South African Jew judge who got involved in many things here in South Africa and I wouldn't trust him. I'd need to refresh my memory but Goldstone also got involved in various crap over here too. He was involved in multiple commissions. Jews get away with everything and America helps them. Jan]

A recent WikiLeaks drop sheds new light on Israel’s ongoing conflicts with its neighbors, most notably the Palestinian people who live in the "open-air prison" known as the Gaza Strip.

The recent October 7 false flag attack by Hamas is just one incident among many in modern-day Israel’s existence that shines a major spotlight on Israeli ongoing war crimes against its neighbors, most notably the Palestinian people.

After Israel created Hamas back in the 1970s to undermine and destabilize the administration of Yasser Arafat, the group has continued to be a thorn in Israel’s flesh, often serving as the scapegoat for more Israeli oppression against Gaza.

Back in 2007 and 2008 around the last financial collapse – perhaps you are starting to notice a pattern between times of economic collapse directly coinciding with times of war? – a similar conflict broke out between Israel and Gaza that led to airstrikes and other actions that observers say constitute war crimes.

The situation was so bad in 2009 that the Human Rights Council (HRC) in Geneva commissioned the creation of the so-called Goldstone Report calling for an investigation into alleged Israeli violations of international humanitarian and human rights law during that time.

As you will see in the screenshot below from WikiLeaks, Israel caught wind of the report, prompting its lapdogs in the United States to directly interfere with this call for an honest investigation.

"The original HRC mandate was blatantly unbalanced," complained U.S. sources tied to Israel, "focusing on Israel, and did not call for investigation of Hamas’ actions."

Every time Israel commits war crimes against non-Jews, it tries to play the victim while blaming someone else for the carnage

As further explained in the drop, it was Justice Richard Goldstone of South Africa, hence the name of the report, who was tasked with conducting a "fact-finding mission" into who did what wrongly in the Israel-Hamas conflict of 2009.

According to the U.S. and Israel, it was Goldstone’s intention from the very beginning to "broaden his terms of reference to include Hamas and Palestinian Authority actions." In other words, "it isn’t our fault!" was the claim of Israel at the time.

"Although the Human Rights Council never amended the formal mandate, the President of the HRC agreed to make this change," the U.S. and Israel further claim.

"Most of the resultant report’s 575 pages focus on alleged Israeli violations, although several allegations against the Palestinian side are discussed."

Reading between the lines, it almost sounds like Goldstone, who went into the matter unbiased, simply arrived at the conclusion that Israel committed most, if not all, of the war crimes in that particular melee – a finding that ultimately triggered Israel and its puppets into a rage.

"The U.S. Government has serious concerns about the report, including its disproportionate focus on Israel, the overly broad scope of its recommendations, the negative inferences it draws about Israel’s intentions and actions, its failure to assign appropriate responsibility to Hamas for its practice of basing operations in civilian-populated urban areas, and, as a result, a number of its sweeping conclusions of law," the complaint states.

As usual, the U.S. government always sides with Israel no matter what it does. After all, they are our "greatest ally," we are constantly told, even though we do everything for them and they do practically nothing for us.

As President Donald Trump would say, that seems like a pretty bad trade deal.

Even so, Israel has the U.S. political apparatus in a vice grip like never before, which means Israel can do no wrong in the eyes of America’s bought-out politicians, corporate executives, education and media systems, and just about everything in between.

Hilariously, the U.S. tried to claim about the investigation into Israel’s alleged war crimes back in 2009 that such an investigation was not even necessary because Israel already has "ongoing internal investigations" that include "efforts to protect Palestinian civilians."

In other words, the fox is guarding the hen house in Israel – and that is okay in the eyes of the boot-licking U.S. government towards its "best friend" in the Middle East.

In the end, Israel got its way and the Goldstone Report was basically dead-on-arrival. Despite calling for a possible referral of alleged Israeli war crimes to the International Criminal Court (ICC), the report was ultimately blocked and scrapped by U.S.-Israeli intelligence, delivering another "victory" to Israel in its "holy war" against the nations, starting with the Palestinians.


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