IMPORTANT: People say my shop: is over priced – Please take a look…


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Get a Free PDF Book: White Power (1967) by George Lincoln Rockwell
This is the original book written by the late, great George Lincoln Rockwell, the US Navy Pilot who founded the American NAZI Party.Rockwell was the most determined White American who lived in modern times. He was patriotic to America and totally patriotic to the White Race. He supported Apartheid South Africa and Rhodesia. The Jews sent snipers to kill him and on the 2nd attempt they killed him.

NB: NB: My White shop online shop, is priced for Americans and Europeans. That is the audience I basically aimed it at. So for South Africans, there are no RAND PRICES, but depending on the products I could work out Rand prices. I just did not bother, because I thought that due to our own economic hassles, that I would not really get South Africans supporting my shop. So for South Africans: If you want an item, place an order and tell me that you want a Rand price and I’ll see if and how I can adjust it for that.

Also if there are South Africans who have products that can be sold, then I’m happy to support you. There is one particular product from South Africa that I thought could work.

You can view White-shop here:

I had one person on my Bitchute channel commenting that my shop is over-priced. So I asked for specifics but that person did not comment in the comments. I did however, get an email from a lady who wrote this:

I see you are looking for donations. Perhaps you could give away items with a donation. Or you could just mark things 30% off and additional 20% off if you buy 3 or more items.

One book is like $200.00 or something like that. Is it a typo or is it a collector’s item? Only college textbooks in say Chemistry are jacked up that much.

I would very much like feedback on all the products on my site. If there is something that you would like to buy, but the price is turning you off, then please let me know.

I will explain later, when I do my update video, about the shop. The shop is an experiment from the start, and my biggest concern was not knowing how to physically handle some things. There were people who promised to help me (e.g. posting books), who then aborted when I needed help. I had other problems too, where posters that I thought could be sold, were no longer being printed.

Book prices are easy to deal with, it was jewellery and posters that were tricky for me.

Regarding the books, it depends on the sources of the books. I did do some experiments where I saw a real collector’s item that is rare, and I thought, for the hell of it to put it online just to see if perhaps some people are attracted by a rare item.

I would very much appreciate feedback from any of you regarding the shop and items on it.

Now that I’ve gone through the process of doing a few transactions from start to finish, I now feel a lot better about the whole process, and in the next month or so I do want to tackle the shop again. I am also keen to sell flags, but especially posters, mugs and t-shirts. If I knew of items that people would like, and I can get the graphics for it, I would happily add more items.

All the books I sell are actually second-hand, but in good condition.

I could have sold more books, but I never could resolve the post issue. I had physical books I wanted to sell but I had no place to keep them outside SA. Posting them from SA is very tricky. If I return to that, I might do that in a year’s time. I did make certain headway on certain things.


Of course, I would appreciate honesty. And I have had situations where people come and moan and groan, and then when you make the necessary adjustments, they still don’t do anything. I am prepared to make changes at my end, but are YOU also willing to support me?

There were books also, that were just thrown on there that come from ANOTHER SOURCE, and so I am selling someone else’s books and they gave me prices. But there are more and more books that I will be selling that I can source.

ALSO: If you have products that might sell, and you are willing to post them, from whereever you live, then I am happy to list your items, get sales for you, and then you and I settle. This is if you are in any Western country outside Africa.

I would very much like to improve my shop in Phase 2, and make major changes to it. I’m deeply grateful to the people who were willing to really bite the bullet to support me in phase 1.

ALSO: I am interested in medical products. I was looking at sourcing Vitamins. I am also interested in items like creams, and tooth pastes … or other things that people prefer to use rather than the stuff clogged with chemicals. The reason I mention toothpaste is because a friend of mine uses a special toothpaste that he claims is safer than the junk you normally buy. I’ve never tried it myself. I’ve also see other people selling creams that are "home made".

So anything that whites make and sell is of interest. This is to support whites.

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Video: The Greatest Jewish Lie told about Spanish Christians that EVERYBODY BELIEVES!
Most people think they know what the Spanish Inquisition was about, but theyre all wrong. They believe an enormous lie. As usual, what is left out is the role of the Jews.

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