Video: How Churchill made Americans hate Germans! Part 1
This was Britains greatest covert operation in its history, the British Security Coordination (BSC)! This is the real story behind the fictional character of James Bond.
[This stuff is no joke. Look at how Leslie has been sitting in jail for well over a year. Whites in Canada have similar laws to what we Whites face in South Africa. We do not have the same type of lee-way that Americans have. You therefore have to be so careful of what you say. Canadians can go to jail so easily, just like South Africans. You CANNOT say the same things that Americans can say. The system is very rigged in favour of "hate speech" and they'll just lock you away even though you never lifted a finger to harm anyone. Americans can say things that other Whites on the planet can't say. Americans should use every opportunity to use free speech to the MAXIMUM. It's critical. I feel very sorry for Leslie. I don't know how long he will be sitting in jail. Paul Fromm sent me this. It seems poor Leslie might get to appear in court in January 2025! What a long wait. Jan]
Leslie Bory is a Canadian political prisoner. For an alleged non-violent crime, he has been kept in harsh conditions, repeatedly denied bail, since February 14, 2023. His alleged crime? A rather hard hitting broadcast on his Internet television show, where he allegedly made threats against certain privileged groups. He is charged with three counts of "uttering threats" and one count of violating Canada’s notorious thought censorship "hate law." Accused murderers and violent gunmen and many repeat offenders walk the streets, let out on easy bail. However, political dissidents like Les Bory suffer in jail, with their trials way in the distant future.
"An inmate’s letter to the Ombudsman who was a no show!"
We’re trapped because of a universal human expectation that the world will treat us fairly. …
As tension rises so do the violent acts. It has now become a standard that 3 inmates share a cell. [8 ft X 10 ft, bunk bed meant for 2, open toilet and sink within this space ~ as per drawing by Les Bory] What’s next? Four??
We have only been given fresh air at yard once or twice per month. During the period of December 21 to April 15 we’ve had 145 out of 351 possible lockouts. …
Just yesterday staff was walking numerous rounds to ensure the truth of this place never to be revealed. They requested that we dismantle many things that make everyday triple bunking manageable. This leads me to believe there is deceit and evidence of it. …
I think there should be an inmate committee here. Federal convicted inmates live better than us. We’re still innocent awaiting trial.
We ask for fair treatment. Kosher meals have a enormous difference in quality! … Kosher inmates receive catered like meal trays that represent misguided favouritism.
Contaminated water supply causing regular trips to hospital due to the neglect and carelessness from medical staff.
If we were Canadians imprisoned in a foreign country with the same living arrangement, it would be making headlines. … Whatever picture they attempt to paint is not the truth and I feel staff on this unit has already been witness to an enormous amount of stress and frustration. Thank you! ~ Inmate
The following excerpts from Leslie Bory:
Dear Monika, I felt that this statement that was prepared by my fellow Ranger was well articulated and highlights only some of the inhumane aspects of our daily torture imposed on us by a corrupt government and the corrupt court staff that they hired to coerce, (using torture, terror and inhumane living conditions) convictions and guilty pleas from Canadians instead of conducting fair trials to determine guilt or innocence. … After having been tortured and terrorized while being held for over 14 months without a trial… I will never be the same since I had my head and face smashed against a metal sink and toilet while I was unconscious and had my ribs broken while I was in custody without ever having been convicted of anything yet. …
"They" influence the anti-speech laws in Canada that use police violence to silence their critics of whom I am one and am a victim of their political violence and corrupt prosecution as is evident by my injuries while I was held in custody for the sole reasons of silencing me and forcing me to plead guilty to trumped up charges, of breaking laws that our western culture would deem to be illegal to impose. …
Today is April 20, 2024 and the last day in video court for my secret publication ban bail hearing [which] was April 4, 2024. I am still waiting to hear about a court date to see what my future has in store, freedom or more inhumane torture and terror for speech violations while trying to protect Canadians from the medical chemical warfare genocidal maniacs who killed many Canadians and injured many Canadians with vaccines made by extremist supporters of Israel I would think if I am not mistaken. …
Despite the entire weight of the corrupt establishment crushing me, I remain committed to being a loyal representative of all good Canadian people. … Please tell as many people as you can to tune into my trial in January 2025 in Brantford Superior Court. If there is a publication ban it is safe to assume everything that I talk about corruption in my videos is true. …
The conditions in our jail are worse than those in residential schools. People die in this prison. I have seen more blood in this place than I have seen in my entire life. I have never seen this much violence anywhere outside of a war zone. The Ombudsman came to the jail this week but didn’t come to see our range, but the whole reason he was here was because we sent in a "blue letter" for every man here describing the inhumane conditions and practices of the prison management.
All the best,
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