IMPORTANT: MAJOR SOFTWARE BUG: Contact us/Donations/Subscriptions – FIXED
Video: Professor Quigley: Evolution of Civilisation: How the American Elite Think
DONT MISS THIS VIDEO: This is one of the very most important videos I have ever made. I urge people to study this closely. What I am going to tell you in this video, are things youve definitely NEVER HEARD.
I discovered to my horror yesterday, that for the last 8 days, my Contact us page, as well as the Donations and the various subscription pages to things like the Email Alerts, Newsletter, etc – were not working.
This was a direct result of the major software enhancements and fixed I put in 8 days ago, and in my testing I had not picked up, nor realised the impact of the changes I had made.
I have fixed it and all is looking good.
There is another bug, to do with Links that I need to investigate.
If you are on my mailing lists and you experience bugs and problems on my websites, you are welcome to take screen shots of what you see happening and you can email it to me.
NOTE: There are a few people who abuse the email address I use. When I see people blasting junk into my email address, I merely begin deleting EVERYTHING that comes from them. Some people also send material to other people and copy me on it and my email address gets overloaded. So I delete all that. I need to be able to deal with those who are genuine subscribers. Genuine subscribers take priority.
Low IQ & Bad Schools: South Africa: 18 schools get zero matric pass rate
Pretoria No pupils passed the 2010 matric exams at 18 schools, according to figures released by the basic education department on Thursday.