IMPORTANT: JEWS SLAUGHTER: Israeli Defence force did a DRESDEN BOMBING on Gaza!!!


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I heard something extremely interesting In this interesting video where Candice Owens took on a Jewish Rabbi on the British show run by Piers Morgan. Piers Morgan, who is British, took on a Jewish Rabbi and told him that the Israeli Defense Force dropped more bombs on GAZA than were used on DRESDEN GERMANY in WW2. How mind blowing is that?

Here’s the video:

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AfricanCrisis Archive - 110,000 Articles from 2001 to 2012
This is my archive of my oldest articles, writings and news from my original website which ran from 2001 to 2012. In total, I managed to recover 110,000 articles. You can read them, search them and view them at this link. Just click SEARCH on the top right.

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