IMPORTANT: INFO WANTED: Could SWA have been the only country in Africa with a MAJORITY White Population?


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These Blacks have the weirdest, creepiest feet. This is in former Rhodesia.

Note: South West Africa was originally German South West Africa. It is now called Namibia.

The leader of the BoereStaat Party, told me that in the 1960s that the UN gave the Ovambo people control over SWA – I think he said it was the Ovambo people. He said that this territory is really the strip in the north of SWA and that this was administered by the Kaiser on behalf of Portugal. He told me that if this is EXCLUDED, that SWA had a BIGGER POPULATION OF WHITES THAN BLACKS.

But I’ve never come across anything firm on this. I will be digging with other contacts of mine.

That would have made SWA, the only African country with a MAJORITY White population.

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