IMPORTANT: FROM JB CAMPBELL who fought in Rhodesia: Open Letter to the FBI
Video: Black American Science in Africa: Eating Childrens Hearts is the way to win Battles!
Whites outside Africa have no clue how crazy Blacks can be. In this video we take a thorough look at Blacks and Witchcraft with Cannibalism and other weird thoughts. Even Blacks who are Christians regard Witchcraft as real and dangerous. We take a look also at Liberia where Blacks from America went to.
[JB Campbell wrote this and was kind enough to send it to me. Jan]
Open Letter to the FBI
JB Campbell
When I created the militia movement in January, 1989, you could say that I started and ran a psychological operation on you. On the whole country, really, but especially on you murdering slobs. You showed up at the radio station in Anchorage thinking I was there but I was doing the interview from my home in Carmel. The militia movement actually kicked off in Alaska and spread like a brush fire down to the rest of the country.
The CIA was alarmed and Bill Colby wrote that the movement was dangerous and must be dealt with intelligently. That turned out to be Oklahoma City in 1995.
The explosive growth of the movement must have thwarted your plans for us, judging by what you’re doing to us now. Old Bush started bragging about the New World Order on September 11, 1989 and this no doubt gave my psyop a great deal of fuel. Your murders of the Weavers in Idaho and the Waco pilgrims justified the new militia movement for millions of men who never read my book, The New American Man. My purpose was to create a resistance group that would help me destroy first the Invisible Government, the Council on Foreign Relations, which would cut the head off the federal government, starting with you and the CIA. If I had been successful you all would have been executed for Treason. It wouldn’t have been legal, but when has that ever stopped you slobs, with your secret police force?
In writing the book I discovered the deceptive nature of the Second Amendment. Yes, bearing guns not infringed – blah, blah. But it also gave dis-armers a “well-regulated militia,” which meant a controlled population. That’s the American paradox: we’re fairly well-armed but psychologically disarmed – thanks to the Federalists and their Second Amendment. So I jammed your well-regulated militia right up your federal ass.
The Supreme Court allowed drafting militiamen for the war in Europe as well as renaming the well-regulated militia as “the Army National Guard of the United States.” The militia disappeared before WWI until I kind of revived it in 1989. But I just used the name because I figured that guys would go along with me if they thought there was some kind of tradition behind it. There wasn’t.
What I created was an armed, militant, anti-government state of mind. There was no leader to smear or structure to infiltrate. You couldn’t call it or me “racist” because I cunningly put a photo on the back of my book of me in Rhodesia standing around with some of my armed African anti-terrorists. Too bad for you since the old militia was racist as hell (“All White men between 18 and 45”). My men and I were trying to preserve White rule in Black Africa. They were just as racist as I was. They did most of the killing.
Racially speaking, as we can see without question today, the Jewish/Masonic program of the CIA has been to inflame and exploit racism. Malcolm X, ML King and Farrakhan turned Blacks against the government, AIM turned Indians and I turned Whites in an almost irresistible way. Men, I emphasized in the book, in person and on the radio, had failed to protect women and children. It is our duty as men to protect them from predatory men. I gave men the reason to be heroes and redeem themselves. My turning White men against you federal phonies was the reason you all freaked out. You were pretending to be on our side – the White side. But you were and are nothing but enforcers for Jewish Rule.
You had to start your own fake militia called the Militia of Montana which would identify everyone who called the Trochmanns for “advice.” The callers’ names and addresses were turned over to your office in Missoula every month.
The CIA with all of its mind control and eight years of a Hollywood actor in the White House (run by his VP, a former director of CIA), had suddenly lost control of American men who were suddenly buying guns and ammo as never before. Between Hillary Clinton and me, it’s hard to say who sold the most guns.
The NRA, supposedly based on the Second Amendment, condemned the new militia movement after a couple of years of silence and taking no position. No wonder once we learned that the NRA participated in the drafting of all federal gun-control legislation starting with the National Firearms Act of 1934.
The CIA flooded the country with millions of obsolete surplus military rifles from this and other armies through the Interarms Company, owned by CIA employee Sam Cummings, who was ordered to do this by the director, Allen Dulles. The Dulles brothers were founders with Edward House of the Council on Foreign Relations in 1921.
Why did Dulles do that? Why flood America with old obsolete rifles throughout the ’50s and ’60s? When you fix a football game you want the loser able at least to make some touchdowns. You want the game to look realistic. All those guns can be used to justify a crackdown when a crackdown is needed. You can say, Folks, we have a real problem with all these guns. Interarms also imported machine and submachine guns which were sold subject to the 1934 NFA, but not in the great amounts as the rifles.
The FBI is America’s number one terrorist organization. You finally reached that top spot in 1993 with the Weaver and Waco murders but especially with the bombing of the World Trade Center. You supplied the bomb that blew the bejesus out of the North Tower’s underground parking, killed six and injured a thousand. Repairs came to one and a half billion, reportedly. The intent of special agents James Fox, John Anticev and Nancy Floyd was to topple the North Tower into the South Tower and slaughter 50,000 people. And by God it’s a felony to lie to you filthy slobs.
The FBI was a fraud from the beginning, since Hoover took over in 1924. Your patron saint was a homosexual transvestite who was controlled by the Jewish mob. Meyer Lansky had pictures of him sucking Clyde Tolson’s dick. That was why Hoover claimed for more than twenty years that there was no organized crime in America, until Joe Valachi explained the size and power of the Mob in Senate hearings.
The FBI’s most notorious of the early killings was Charlie Winstead’s back-shooting of John Dillinger on a crowded Chicago sidewalk in 1934. Except it wasn’t Dillinger. It was a guy named Jimmy Lawrence. Dillinger died in California thirty years later. A few months earlier, FBI agents, lead by Melvin Purvis, used their new submachine guns to kill a civilian at Little Bohemia resort in Wisconsin, figuring they were attacking Dillinger and Co.
Hoover made his organization into a cult of himself. Anyone who objected or doubted him was destroyed. It didn’t hurt that he was a 33rd degree Freemason. An exact replica of his office is featured in the headquarters of the 33rd degree in Washington, DC.
The myth of the FBI being the greatest, most scientific anti-crime outfit in the world was wrecked by the whistle-blower, Frederic Whitehurst, a scientist and supervisor in the bureau’s famous crime lab. He revealed the fraud and corruption that he encountered in the routine faking of evidence in ballistics, fingerprinting, blood and hair and all other forensic testimony in federal prosecutions. Thousands of convictions were made solely because of perjured FBI testimony.
The FBI is a hundred years of proof that the US Constitution isn’t worth the paper it’s written on. For a century it’s been an instrument of Jewish and Masonic power. The Kennedy brothers, JFK and RFK, secretly tried to cripple Jewish power, both in America and the Mid East. Keeping it secret got them killed. If JFK had told the people what he was doing he’d have gotten a lot of support. But he was cocky to the point of reckless and totally underestimated his Jewish enemies.
His Jewish chairman of the joint chiefs, Lyman Lemnitzer, presented him with the infamous Northwoods false-flag operation, which JFK refused to accept. His refusal made his murder one of the first Northwoods operations, this one featuring Lee Oswald.
JFK told David Ben Gurion that he would not allow Israel to have the atomic bomb and ordered the Israeli PM to prepare his weapons lab, Dimona, for a US inspection. Instead, Gurion ordered a deception created by walling off the actual lab and quickly building a realistic but phony lab to show the inspectors, if it even got that far.
At the same time, JFK told RFK – his attorney general – to order the Israeli agents in America who were extorting money from US Jews, helped by the tax exemption granted for buying “Israeli bonds.” RFK presented his brother’s order to the Zionist gangsters, who managed to stall for months. They no doubt knew that relief was coming in the form of LBJ and the tax exemption continued. But they knew that as long as JFK was alive they were going to have trouble.
And of course JFK attacked the Jewish-owned central bank known as the Federal Reserve System by issuing, in April ’63, over four billion dollars worth of United States Notes in $2, $5 and $10 denominations instead of the Jews’ privately owned Federal Reserve Notes. He intended to continue this practice with $20 and $100 in 1964. US Notes were not to be confused with Silver Certificates, which according to law had also to be issued.
All of this was too much for the Jews. Ben Gurion ordered the CIA’s James Angleton, who spent 1951 in “Israel” setting up the Mossad, to assassinate JFK. Angleton gave it to David Phillips in Mexico City and Phillips gave the contract to John Roselli and Sam Giancana in Chicago. Phillips also had a dependable contractor named Georgi Visko. There were other shooting teams working for the US/Israel team as a joint operation, including the US Army. There was a lot of lead in the air before Bill Greer brought the limo to a brief stop for the brain shot.
Ben Gurion resigned as PM to make it look as if he wasn’t involved. And Hoover handled the all-important cover-up. That’s what the FBI is really good at.
I could go on but just wanted to let you know that the Boogeyman is still around. This despite your two attempts to kill me and the Mossad’s three. You’re all a bunch of incompetent slobs, so scared of real people that you classify young parents as “terrorists” for objecting to degenerate Communists brainwashing their kids.
My recommendation to you is resign your job and go into witness protection. I see a lot of danger coming your way.
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