IMPORTANT: From Jan: USA Vs Russian?? – The Free Syrian Army’s sudden Blitzkrieg attack – Is the USA behind it?


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Video: JEWS102: The Jewish Strategy Of Lying
In this video I discuss the massive difference between White people who value the truth and built all of civilisation on this basis versus the Jews who are pathalogical liars.

The FSA – Free Syrian Army has suddenly made a big move in Syria. Syria is a place where the Russians were winning and the Russians saved the Syrian Government. The last major action there was in 2020. Why has the FSA made such a sudden, and brilliantly effective move?

The FSA is mainly sponsored by America and Turkey. I’m wondering if this is the USA using one of it’s proxies in order to smack the Russians in one the areas where the Russians have interests, because of the Russians causing problems in Africa for America and the West.

Syria is also a place where some mercenaries come from for the Russians in Ukraine.

I’m wondering if this is a method whereby the USA+Turkey+Ukraine are perhaps hitting Russia where it forces the Russians to divert more resources.

We’ll have to watch this. This is almost like a Kursk offensive, except it’s in Syria. This could be another place to bog Russia down.

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