IMPORTANT: Fantastic White Man from the CIA: All America’s Wars are driven by Jews – Jews should be MARKED and kept from Security Positions


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STORMFRONT: A VERY DETAILED HISTORY OF THE JEWS - including Quotes from the Talmud
This is an excellent read, with LOTS of QUOTES.

[Don't always knock the CIA. I've come across a handful of truly awesome Whites who come out of there. This guy Giraldi, sounds to me like maybe he's of Italian descent? And he can speak German, along with several other languages. And this White man takes no prisoners. I love his idea of marking Jews. Now you're talking. When lying filth get on TV and the media, the common folks need to be warned!!! Best of all he says Jews should not be in security positions. This is a man we really need to monitor and get more data on. He also is aware of the Jewish lies about the holocaust. Here's a White man who knows his stuff and has the BALLS to say it. We need plenty more such people. I'll publish a video where he talks about Israel. There is another White man from the CIA who may have been of German descent, who also did not let these filthy Jewish Israeli scum off the hook either. But this Giraldi guy is someone I've not come across before. I like him a lot. Some very cool stuff. Jan]

Political Commentary

The American Conservative

In August 2005, Giraldi wrote an article for The American Conservative that outlined his supposed knowledge of a contingency plan under development by the George W. Bush administration involving a potential nuclear attack on Iran.[10] In another article that same year, Giraldi suggested that the outing of CIA officer Valarie Plame was part of a larger U.S. conspiracy to cover-up the forgery of documents used to implicate Iraq in the attempted acquisition of nuclear material. The documents were a crucial component of the Bush administration’s case to go to war with Iraq.[11]

In 2013, Giraldi wrote an article for the website outlining a theory that the Syrian gas attacks in Damascus were staged by Middle Eastern actors outside of Syria in an attempt to frame the Assad regime in order to incite increased opposition to the Syrian war efforts.[12]

Other Outlets

In 2014, the Anti-Defamation League published a blog that identified Giraldi, among others, as a speaker at a National Press Club event that aired on C-SPAN, dubbed as the "National Summit to Reassess the U.S.-Israel Special Relationship," and purported to be sponsored by groups the ADL identified as being anti-Israel. At the event, it was reported that Giraldi spoke about allegations that Israeli spies celebrated while the Twin Towers fell on September 11. [13]

Assertions about Jews and Israel

Noah Pollak wrote in Commentary magazine in August 2008: "In Giraldi’s world, scratching the surface of almost any event exposes the sinister machinations of international Jewry".[14] He was accused in 2019 by Max Boot in The Washington Post of using the term "neocon" as a cover word for Jews.[15]

In 2004, in a privately circulated newsletter co-written with Vincent Cannistraro, a retired CIA counter-terrorism chief, Giraldi said Turkish sources had reported that Turkey was concerned by Israel’s alleged encouragement of Kurdish ambitions to create an independent state and that Israeli intelligence operations in the area included anti-Syrian and anti-Iranian activity by Kurds. They predicted this might lead to a new alliance among Iran, Syria, and Turkey which have Kurdish minorities.[5] Giraldi speculated in 2008: "There are a number of possible “false flag” scenarios in which the Israelis could insert a commando team in the Persian Gulf or use some of their people inside Iraq to stage an incident that they will make to look Iranian, either by employing Iranian weapons or by leaving a communications footprint that points to Tehran’s involvement".[14]

In 2009, the London Times reported on an Iranian plan to experiment on a "neutron initiator" for an atomic weapon,[16]; Gareth Porter reported for Inter Press Service that Giraldi said that unnamed intelligence sources had told him that the document was in fact a fabrication, which Giraldi speculated was created by Israel. He claimed that Rupert Murdoch publications regularly disseminate false intelligence from the Israeli and sometimes the British government.[17][better source needed]

In August 2010, Giraldi again referred to unnamed "sources in the counterintelligence community" in The American Conservative who he said had told him intelligence agents of Israel’s Mossad were posing as representatives of the equivalent American agencies and visiting Arab and Muslim residents in New York and New Jersey. He alleged it was done as a "false flag" operation to help agents gain information about Iran, which they believed would not be forthcoming to Israeli agents.[18] The Israeli embassy, the United States Department of Justice, and Giraldi all declined to comment for an article on the allegations in the biweekly New York Arab-community newspaper Aramica.[19][20]

In September 2017, Valerie Plame encountered much criticism on Twitter when she retweeted Giraldi’s Unz Review column "America’s Jews are Driving America’s Wars", and it was reported she had retweeted his previous 2014 column "Why I Dislike Israel" among other articles he has written making claims about Jewish influence in American foreign policy.[3][21] In the article, Giraldi asserted American Jews pushed the United States into war with Iraq, were fueling a war machine against Iran; had a "dual loyalty" to Israel; and controlled U.S. media. Giraldi said American Jews should not be put "into national security positions involving the Middle East, where they will potentially be conflicted." According to him, when "those American Jews who lack any shred of integrity" appear on television they should be labeled, "kind-of-like a warning label on a bottle of rat poison". He concluded: "The only alternative is for American citizens who are tired of having their country’s national security interests hijacked by a group that is in thrall to a foreign government to become more assertive about what is happening. … We don’t need a war with Iran because Israel wants one and some rich and powerful American Jews are happy to deliver".[2][3] He accused American Jews of making false claims and taking politicians and the media down with them.[21] Alan Dershowitz wrote for The Jerusalem Post: "In other words, Jewish supporters of Israel, like [Bill] Kristol and me, should have to wear the modern day equivalent of a yellow star before we are allowed to appear on TV."[22] After the publication of the column, Giraldi said he had been fired for the Unz Review column by The American Conservative, where he had been a contributor for fourteen years.[23]

Claims about the Holocaust

A letter co-written by Giraldi was published by his alumni magazine in 1999. Near the end of the letter, Giraldi and his co-author wrote:

"Perhaps what is truly unique about the Holocaust is the ability of its exploiters to preemptively silence their critics. Surely within the University of Chicago community there must be many who recognize that the Holocaust industry has gone too far, that the Holocaust is far from being the central event of the century, and that its message of an exclusivity in suffering—serving to promote a Zionist agenda—is dubious at best."[14]

Giraldi has been criticized for Holocaust denial, as well as antisemitism. Some of his antisemitic and Holocaust-denying articles for the Unz Review were copied by Iranian fake news sites.[24]


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Video: Why Britain is the ENEMY of Rhodesians, Boers, Ethnic Europeans & Japan
I am NOT attacking the FEW British who have woken up (past & present) to the plight of the Race. The British I am referring to are the Liberalised British.

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