IMPORTANT: Destroying Germany: Green Party Neo-Marxism destroying Germany home of National Socialism
Video: How the Jews and Russians taught the Blacks Propaganda and Communism
In this video we take a really close look at what the Jews and the Russians taught the Blacks who wanted to fight the Whites in South Africa. What exactly did the Jews, like Joe Slovo, tell the Blacks? What exactly were the Russians hoping to achieve in southern Africa in general and in South Africa in particular? How do the Blacks of southern Africa view Putin today and the Russians now?
[This German Christian makes some excellent points. I don't believe in Christianity, but he explains how neo-Marxism (read: Jewish Communism) is busy destroying Germany through the Green Party which is really a bunch of Communists pretending to be interested in the climate. A close German friend of mine has also told me in the past about how "Green Energy" is being used to destroy Germany. I have no doubt in my mind that there is a massive and intensive campaign to destroy Germany and to cripple Germany and to keep Germans from arising. I also think some of this rubbish is used in the USA and other European countries. These "Green Communists" are something I've been aware of for long. I agree that Climate is really a scam. They are just inventing ways to keep Germans down and to scam and cheat Germans at every chance that they get. Germans are being stolen from by Israel and all those "chosen people". And of course Germans are hated, by the Jews, for creating the wonderful, advanced system of National Socialism, which would be wonderful for all White people, and which we must all strive for. It is the Jews and all those Anglo-American Freemasons and Elite who hate Germany and what Germany stood for. But ALL WHITE PEOPLE MUST STAND BY GERMANS AND GERMANY. Germany is the way forward and we must all do our bit to assist the Germans in being free again. Just as our entire race, and also Europe must be free again, ruled by the Whites who live there. I have no doubt that Germans are lied to, cheated, scammed, stolen from and destroyed in 1001 different ways. We must fight against these lies! Jan]
Copy as information offer Dipl.-Chem. Dr. rer. nat. Hans Penner, 76351 Linkenheim-Hochstetten Mr. Joachim Müller-Jung, F.A.Z.
Dear Mr. Müller-Jung in your article "Faithfulness to the Bible" in the F.A.Z. from 01.09.2021 you bring the current climate cult in connection with the New Testament Revelation of John. It is unmistakable that we are currently experiencing a continuation of the neo-Marxist cultural revolution of 1968. The neo-Marxists want to abolish Germany because our culture is equated with National Socialism. Neo-Marxism is mainly propagated by the Green Party under the guise of nature conservation. Miss Dr. Merkel had joined neo-Marxism with the consent of the CDU.
The neo-Marxist ruin of Germany is best done through the decline of the economy. The best way to achieve this is to increase the electricity price, which is already the highest in the world. The increase in the price of electricity can best be made acceptable by creating climate fear. In reality, however, according to the current state of science, carbon dioxide is not "harmful to the climate" because its climate sensitivity is only 0.6 ° C.
The madness of the current energy policy is illustrated very well by a technical and factual essay by Dr. Niemann:
The Revelation of John predicts a global anti-Christian dictatorship. This is already under way through the "Great Transformation" of the Scientific Advisory Council of the Federal Government and through the "Great Reset" of the World Economic Forum, which the possibly new Chancellor represents. The climate cult is an important instrument for this. See election posters.
The core message of the Revelation of John is the announcement of the renewed coming of Jesus Christ to this earth, "to judge the living and the dead", as it says in the Apostles’ Creed. This expresses the conviction of all Christians (in the sense of the definition of the New Testament). When Jesus comes the chaos of the political systems will end and a kingdom of peace and justice will arise.
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Kind regards
Hans Penner
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Die Boere Staat Party
Van Jan: Dit is die ENIGSTE politieke party in Suid-Afrika wat ek sal ondersteun. Ek het hul leier ontmoet en ken hul geskiedenis. *ALLE* ander Politieke Partye in SA is ‘n totale mors van tyd vir Blankes. Hierdie politieke party gee om vir Blankes. Hulle s: Ons veg vir ons Volk se Vryheid en Veilige voortbestaan in die nuwe Suid-Afrika!