If Jews were exiled into space – But it won’t happen…


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[This is a discussion I had with someone. Jan]

I wrote this:
If only Jews could be exiled into space. The Jews actually wrote an article along those lines years ago and were spreading it among themselves. They loved it. It was a bunch of Jew crap – self-serving Jewish crap. I wanted to do a video about it. It’s low priority. I have more important stuff to do. Space is too harsh for the worthless lazy Jews. Space is where the White man goes in order to break all the barriers, take all the risks like our awesome race normally does. The White man goes where Jews and Blacks are too pussified and worthless to go to. The White man takes risks, dies and does the impossible. Then all the other human crap come along later and want in on the White man’s awesome achievements. That’s how the world really works. Victor Hugo, famous French writer knew about Jews and Blacks. A French NAZI sent me this awesome quote from Victor Hugo about Africa: "What would Africa be without the Whites? Nothing; a mass of sand; the night; stagnation; lunar landscapes. Africa exists only because the White Man has touched it."

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S.Africa: AIDS madness: Blacks having sex with: Dogs, Goats and Donkeys
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