Idiotic South Africa: Durban man faces jail for fake post about ex having coronavirus


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Video: Dylann Roof is a White Nelson Mandela
Why is it that whites are held to a different moral standard than everybody else while AT THE SAME TIME, they all tell us that we are all exactly EQUAL? In what way were the actions of Dylann Roof in the USA any different to the actions of Nelson Mandela in South Africa?

[Stupid laws for stupid purposes. Jan]

Durban – A Phoenix man could face jail time or a hefty fine after he allegedly took to Facebook and posted a danger alert, claiming his former girlfriend had the “deadly coronavirus and was spreading the disease in Phoenix and uMhlanga” because she had “refused to be treated or quarantined”.

National police spokesperson Brigadier Vishnu Naidoo said the man was tracked and arrested at his unit five home on Sunday.

The post, defaming the 23-old-woman and her brother, was uploaded to Facebook on Sunday and went viral within a few hours. It had the SAPS logo on it and also pictured the woman.

The post gave a detailed description of the vehicle she drove and alleged that her younger brother had also tested positive for the virus.

“Her brother is also suspected of carrying the deadly disease and has put his entire school in extreme mass danger,” the post read.

Speaking to The Mercury on condition of anonymity, the siblings’ visibly upset father said the incident had left his children traumatised.

He said they became aware of the fake news post on Sunday afternoon, after someone shared it with his son. He then alerted his family.

“Both my children broke down emotionally after reading the fake post. We have had to contact all the Facebook pages that post was shared to, and alert them that it was fake.

“Some Facebook pages released a statement telling people not to continue sharing the post,” he said.

He said he was grateful to the KZN VIP Security team and police for working swiftly in tracking the man and arresting him. “We just want to see justice unfold against the perpetrator or perpetrators.”

The father declined to confirm or deny if the man was his daughter’s former boyfriend.

KZN VIP security chief executive Glen Naidoo, said they received a frantic call from the victim’s father alerting them to the fake post. Using technology and other information, the suspect was tracked to his house.

“Once we located him, I alerted the local police,” said Naidoo. “At first, the man appeared to be shocked and stumped as to how we had managed to find him so quickly.

“He became agitated and refused to hand over his cellphone. He claimed he needed to make an urgent call.”

Naidoo cautioned that citizens should not take the Covid-19 regulations lightly.

“Some people are taking the lockdown with a pinch of salt. They are not taking it seriously. We are offering our services to the police and government. We hope this incident serves as a warning that breaking the law will not be tolerated,” he said.

According to the regulations, any person who publishes any statement, through any medium, with the intention to deceive others about Covid-19, could be jailed for up to six months and face a hefty fine.

“This is a criminal offence and the person would be liable on conviction to a fine or imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months, or both such fine and imprisonment,” read the regulations.

The man is expected to make his first court appearance on Tuesday.

Last week, a case was opened at the Port Shepstone police station, after a matriculant fell victim to a fake post claiming he had the virus.

Brigadier Naidoo said the suspect was not arrested, but a warning statement was taken and the docket was sent to the Senior Public Prosecutor for a decision.


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This is one of the greatest analyses of the Jews that has ever been done. This book was published in 1922.Hilaire Belloc was a very prolific French writer and thinker. A wonderful aspect of this book is that it contains information about the Jews and their hideous deeds (e.g. in Russia) which Jews have tried very hard to completely remove from history. When you read this book you will realise that in 100 years, absolutely nothing has changed. He also hints at the Jews being behind the ‘South African War‘ (i.e. The 2nd Anglo Boer War).

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