I hope so: ‘Over a Million People’ Will Rally in Washington to Pressure Congress: ‘Stop the Steal’ Organ izer – My Comments


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Video: BEFORE HITLER: JEWS turned Germany (Weimar) into a HELL of Prostitution, Drugs, Trans
Everything you see in America today was done after WW1, and long before Hitler and the NAZIS arose. The same degeneracy took place and Jews destroyed society and turned White women into street prostitutes.

[I certainly hope so because it seems as if my analysis that Trump is going to leave is definitely happening. I'm not going to say anything about this non-White who is organising this event. That's another topic for later. For now the stealing is the real issue. Jan]

Ali Alexander, a national organizer of the “Stop the Steal” movement, spoke to NTD’s “Focus Talk” about the upcoming rally in Washington D.C. on Jan. 6, where he says over a million people will show up to protest alleged election fraud.

“We’re going to have over a million people in Washington, D.C., because we have the president even tweeting about the event,” said Alexander. “What we’re working on right now is lobbying members in the House and members in the Senate.”

Ali Alexander “Stop the Steal” rally organizer Ali Alexander at a “Stop the Steal” rally in Phoenix, Ariz., on Dec. 19, 2020. (Linda Jiang/The Epoch Times)

Alexander said that at least three senators will stand with President Donald Trump and that he has talked to more than 30 House members that will also object to the certification of the Electoral College votes on Jan. 6, which will trigger a debate over the voter fraud allegations.

He continued to say that their internal metrics show eight times more interest for this event compared to two previous “Stop the Steal” marches and a prayer rally held in Washington on Dec. 12, where hundreds of thousands of people participated.

rally Pro-President Donald Trump rally-goers during a “Stop the Steal” rally in Washington on Nov. 14, 2020. (Jenny Jin/The Epoch Times)

“With the president tweeting it, it has been a call to action. And we’ve been organizing caravans, we have over 100 charter buses coming into Washington, D.C. And I know of over 30,000 cars coming from Washington State, California, Florida, Maine, all of the edges and the corners of America will descend on the people’s capital. So my own personal estimate is at least a million, [1.5 million] people. But I think we might have even more,” said Alexander.

Alexander emphasized that the constitutional process is of utmost importance and that they want to urge Congress to stand for voter integrity.

“It’s a time of the people, the people want their Congress to do the right thing,” said Alexander. “We don’t care about bureaucratic deadlines or silly judges, what we care about is that the right thing is done, and we all know that there’s voter fraud in this country, all of us.”

Alexander says that he has had more credible death threats in the last eight weeks than in his 12 years as a public figure.

“We’ve had to spend a lot of money protecting me. And that’s unfortunate because we don’t have any big donors at Stopthesteal.us,” he said. “And there’s been pressure from my own party: ‘If you do this, you’ll never work again Ali’ or ‘If you do this, we’ll blacklist you.’ If we cannot vote, nothing else matters.”

Alexander Describes Leftist Ideology

Alexander also said in the interview that leftist ideology is “an order that considers itself liberal in thought,” but in reality uses technocratic totalitarian methods to enforce conformity to Marxism, communism, and socialism.

When asked about the use of the “liberal” name, Alexander replied: “Only on the surface. Equality, fairness, these don’t mean anything to these people.”

“We all have this nature where we want to enforce our ideology. And so when you take away the restraints, the checks and the balances, either side, the left or right will become totalitarian.”

Speaking on the history of communism, Alexander said: “They believe that they will usher in peace for the world. But it will only be followed by destruction because we humans are flawed, we’re fallible … this has happened in every instance that they’ve tried it. These communists have killed people and they’re not any more economically prosperous.”

Alexander then directed his words to the right, urging them to view the fight as a moral one rather than about taxes or healthcare.

“Many of us have been fighting socialism and communism like it was a cliché line, or that it was about taxes or healthcare. No, this is a moral fight. And I have immigrants from China, immigrants from Eastern Europe, immigrants from South America, who will grab my orange sweater and cry and say ‘I’ve seen this before.’ It’s a phrase that haunts me because I’ve understood it intellectually, now I understand it emotionally. Because they have seen this before and this is how this happened.”

Motivated by God

When asked about what motivates him to keep working on the “Stop the Steal” campaign, he answered:

“God. This country was started by Puritans wanting to practice. Then it was founded by men who said ‘we like the king, but he has turned into a tyrant and the king must still answer to God.’ The Declaration of Independence is not a document against monarchy, it’s a document against the abuse of monarchy and the recognition that that divine spark exists inside of every human, child, and adult. And so in a lot of ways, what we’re doing is we’re saying ‘Stop the Steal’ is a metaphysical journey, both civic and spiritual, because there’s nothing to go above government when it becomes tyrannical unless you invoke God. You cannot challenge government unless there’s something higher than it.”

Ali Alexander_Stop the Steal organizer Ali Alexander speaks to NTD at a rally in Washington D.C., on Dec. 12, 2020. (Screenshot via NTD)

“What motivates me is getting up and every day knowing that if I say the right thing, thousands and thousands of more Americans will wake up. God’s giving me the words, God’s giving me the energy, I was already depleted. I had exhausted all of my energy for the election. And that’s why I said I can’t do ‘Stop the Steal’ again. Somehow, I’ve been going for 20 hours a day, or 18 or 20 hours a day for eight weeks. I did not take off Thanksgiving. I took half-day on Christmas. That’s it. And I will keep fighting so that people wake up, because the people are stronger than the government. The people are stronger than the tyrants. And I know that. And if I have to act as a sacrifice: my energy, my emotions, my life, my money, whatever, I will give that so that my brothers and my sisters—children of God—can wake up and fight tyrants, because I think we can do it peacefully. Heaven forbid it has to go further, but these are our rights endowed at our creating moment.”

Source: https://www.theepochtimes.com/over-a-million-people-will-rally-in-washington-to-pressure-congress-stop-the-steal-organizer_3637839.html?utm_source=news&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=breaking-2020-12-30-6

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